[CP] KeyKeeper, Gov Commune, National MU, and New Alliance + Asgard

Day 2,102, 11:19 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Het Catshuis


Over the past week we have set up a new and more active KeyKeeper, RikW. Dave Brinkman has done wonders for our community, and continues to do so, but we have decided to change him out for someone a bit more involved and active in the community. RikW is a fine and neutral choice for this position. His loyalty and dedication to Netherlands is formidable, just check his recent influence in RW’s. I still would like to thank Dave for his hard work in this area, and welcome RikW in as our new trusted KeyKeeper.

Government Commune

Recently, Dave has had to pause his government commune due to lack of funding, forcing roughly 30-40 Dutch players out of a job. This is an issue that has been going on for many months, costing Dave over 100k of his own funds. I have asked congress to extend funding for the next month and reopen the commune as you can see here. So far congress has been very slow in reacting to this situation, but I hope with more public input we can resolve this issue quickly and efficiently. Anyone who has lost a job because of the recent lapse in funding would be sure to direct their comments to that thread.

National MU

We have had a recent struggle in congress to work on organizing our military forces into a single national MU. Let me note that I am in full support of this idea, but I am leaning toward keeping Navy and PG as our primary MU’s. I feel that PG is a great MU, but can never be completely under government control, and it is necessary for the government to have some form of MU. Still, having PG government supported as long as they follow MoD and government orders is a promising idea that needs input from the public. If we go through with this idea, it would mean that the government will push for every soldier to either join PG or Navy, and work to discourage all other MU’s.

To make this clear, it is necessary that we organize our troops into one or two MU’s, preferable one, to clearly focus our firepower during battles, to harness the benefits of combat orders and MU competitions, and maintain a more effective form of communication and community among all Dutch players. We want our community to act as one unit, fighting together to become a more effective force in the eWorld.

I encourage everyone to check out the debate here.

New Alliance + Asgard

We have been in talks with various countries about a new alliance. Because of the sensitivity of the subject, I cannot tell you much about what is going on or who is involved. What I can tell you is that things are looking bright and we may be the frontrunners of a new alliance that is truly based on friendship and loyalty, not damage. More updates to come on this subject, but be patient, alliances take time to craft.

We have firmly decided that Asgard is no place for us, and it appears some of our allies are in agreement. Canada, as stated in this article, is currently holding a referendum on this subject. They have also offered us regions in the past to airstrike into, but their current treaty with Spain has closed that option for us. We still support our ally and wish them the best in their decisions.

As CP, I attempt to inform our people on the major decisions that are affecting our country. I urge everyone to review the debates and articles posted in this address, and post input so that your government can effectively serve you.

Country President,

Aries Prime

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