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Just some random acts i want to share with the Eworld

Northern Netherlands!

5 Nap 1,982, 15:14 Megjelenés helye: Netherlands Netherlands Bulvár és szórakozás Bulvár és szórakozás

The RL North NL and his beauty!


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4 Nap 1,826, 14:16 Megjelenés helye: Netherlands Netherlands Hadügyi elemzések Hadügyi elemzések

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Showing our colours!

5 Nap 1,779, 06:01 Megjelenés helye: Netherlands Netherlands Hadügyi elemzések Hadügyi elemzések

Yesterday was surely an anoying day with the servers but besides that I got 4 BH medals and 1 CH medal. And became no. 29 on the top fighters page!!

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