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The Froggy Perspective`s aim is: “To create interesting and readable articles, analyses and comments about what`s happening in eNorway and abroad. Never afraid of asking critical questions with the purpose of creating debates and information! Contains the columns "Parliament News" and "A talk with

A talk with: CPresident Xibbard – His role and his views!

21 Nap 2,738, 04:16 Megjelenés helye: Norway Norway Politikai viták és elemzések Politikai viták és elemzések

Northern Light (NL)`s aim is: “to create interesting and readable articles, analyses and comments about what`s happening in eNorway and ask critical questions to make debates”.

Therefore I wish to start a new column, “A talk with:”, … több »

A new newspaper "Northern Light" - the editors kick-off article!

21 Nap 2,735, 00:51 Megjelenés helye: Norway Norway Kezdeti lépések Kezdeti lépések

First of all, congratulations to all eNorwegians on our Constitution Day, today on May 17th !

As a beginner in eRepublik and eNorway it`s fun to get known with the political, economic and military aspects. It is a depth and seriousness in this

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