WHPR Pony Express

Day 1,411, 06:34 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Greetings and Salutations, eAmericans...
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For the next few minutes, sit quietly and I will control all that you see and hear and read. I repeat: there is nothing wrong with your screen or subscriptions. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which will reach deeply into to your inner mind.
I am Jude Connors - the dopest DoPE in eAmerican history; and this is...

by Jude Connors

It's nice to see when the more experienced eAmericans reach out to assist the lesser experienced citizens of our great nation - the eBabies of the eUSA. Speaking from personal experience, there are few things as rewardig as this. This week, eAmerican Congressman, Slayer113 started a series in his paper eUSA News Tonight doing that exact thing. Part One focuses on First Steps In eRepublik and includes a comprehensive list of military units in the eUSA and abbreviations commonly used in the New World. Part Two focuses on New World technology and the use of scripts. Check them both out and shout them so that our eBabies can see! While you're at it, show some love and SUBSCRIBE!

In his paper, As G as it Gets.; eAmerican President Alexander_Auctoritastakes us on a walk down Short-Term Memory Lane and briefs all eAmericans on the business of the Alexander_Auctoritas Administration for the past month. Check it out and Vote it Up!

Once upon a time, Congress had a newspaper that it used to pass on information to the public. In lieu of that paper, an outstanding Congressman by the name of Heero Blaze has used his paper, The Flaming Press, to pass this information on to us, the eAmerican citizens! So far this term, he has released two very detailed articles chronicling the 46th eUS Congress - Day 2 and Day 4. Get informed and read what is going on... Subscribe to keep current with the 46th eUS Congress!

First of all, if you are NOT in a military unit and living in eAmerica... you're doing it wrong!!! But as Equimanthorn mentions in his paper, Templierii, Plato now gives everyone an even better incentive to be a member of an MU - the opportunity to be awarded energy bars and bazookas! Check out the information here or get more info on the eRepublik Wiki.

The Synergy Poll is a credible means of tracking public opinion. They are more credible than forum polls, for sure; and the polls have recently been brought to life by xRoWx Triggers. Well, after spamming the entire eUSA (actually 4000 eAmericans), xRoWx Triggers has the results here. Check them out and make sure you participate in the polls... WHAT CAN IT HURT?!?!

In today's tough economic times, it is always good to keep a close eye on the economy of not only the eUnited States, bt also the New World as a whole. Luckily for us, Chae Dee does it for us daily in Chae Dee Business. Not much for tips and tricks, this paper is a quick and dirty look at the Food and Weapons market. Read the latest article and check back daily by subscribing to the paper.

Just incase you missed it...
1. eNPR is on every Monday and Friday at 19:00 eRep time. Follow along in Rizon IRC Channel: #eNPR while listening to the eNPR broadcasts. Tune in for America's most trusted BlogTalkRadio show!
2. 42,654,2574 star general Pizza the Hut - RECENTLY PERMA-BANNED - has returned once again. For those who don't know, Ajay Bruno (Winston Churchill/PizzatheHut) is a notorious multier, and it is usually fun to see who he'll pop up as each time he comes back (multies). This time, however; there is no joy in Mudville, as Pizza has returned as...
Pizza The Hut II: The Return of the Multier. Maybe the next time (and there will DEFINITELY be a next time... Ajay can make it more fun by picking a better alias.

Until next time... RIDE THAT PONY!!!

Jude Connors
Director of the Pony Express