Vote NO for ClusterStorm

Day 1,686, 03:35 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

Since I don't know how to read urdu, I've had a friend outline the basic points to me to which I am now replying.

Recently, Cluster Storms published a manifesto with which he seeks to improve the situation in our country and better the lot for all ePakistanis, if you can read urdu you can read his manifesto here:

Ignoring the fact that the vast majority of this game is being played by non-Urdu speakers many of whom have contributed massively to ePakistan (such as MorbidAngel), he went ahead to present his agenda which I will be dissecting for the “awaam” or called the common man.

1. Cluster Storms claims that all active ePakistani players will be told to recruit two more players to the ePak cause. This in principle is a great initiative however this method has failed over the last four years principally because the infrastructure isn’t present, so I would be keen to learn more on how he plans on doing this.

2. Tax changes are promised, but no detail has been given on them, which taxes will be reduced, how much they’ll be reduced by and what the effects and repercussions will be on the market and for the average ePakistani.

3. A committee will be made to appoint all congressmen. This is unacceptable for The Legendary Opposition, as this kills the spirit of democracy in the game and gives power to a select group of self-appointed players who are going against the spirit of the game. The Legendary Opposition will stand by candidates who show the most promise and want to achieve something in ePakistan not just for themselves but for the people too.

4. A loan scheme has been promised for ePakistanis loyal to the government in power. A committee will have complete power to approve its supporters and reject all others. Again a good initiative but why single out select “trusted” players. What do you get if your new to the game and don’t have the trust of the elites?

5. A weekly summit of Congress has been promised. Since ClusterStorm proposes on appointing congressmen, than what difference does it make if you have a meeting once a week or once a month. Those congressmen didn’t desire to be there, nor did they announce what they intend to do as congress members, projects, objectives.

In conclusion most of these policies are not new and we need to move away from the feudal system that is currently deployed in ePakistan and move towards a merit based system. Which is why when The Legendary Opposition was looking for a candidate, Ishamael Naeblis offered to run as CP and produced a plan, his selection was based on merit and not by appointment.

Vote for freedom and sovereignty in ePakistan! Vote for Ishamael Naeblis!