Mutatis Mutandis - A prelude

Day 2,014, 11:03 Published in USA USA by Aeriadne

To CivilAnarchy, I apologize. It seems my rise to your challenge will have to wait. But I want you to know that I did read your comments in their entirety, and I see your point. I am working to make something, not just shout and criticize. I see the importance of that now.

And now, onto yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

The cracks, it seems, are already beginning to form. Yesterday the eUSA was successfully PTO’d. That’s the truth, plain and simple. When I woke up to yesterday, I did not wake up with the expectation that such a PTO would occur, or that by the end of the day I would be a congressman. I was told I would be a blocker; only this, and nothing more.

We can’t fix yesterday. It’s gone. But what we can fix is the future. And, as it stands, it’s not looking particularly bright for us.

Ignore, for the moment, the looming threat of war. Our war with Serbia will be what it is. Our soldiers need practice; they’ve been stagnant for too long. They need to be bled. Is this the best path for it? Yes. Will it hurt? Oh yeah.

And that’s all for the better.

But there’s another war looming that I think we need to address, and that is the war which will inevitably follow the collapse of Unity.

The Federalist Party, my party, has done wondrous for itself with Unity. I’m proud of my party, and I’m proud to be a part of it. I’m proud to work with such people as crashthompson, Malarkey83, bigcdizzle, and the countless others who put a significant amount of their time and efforts into making the party enjoyable. I am proud. And I am horny. And I feel free to admit that.

But I must also admit there is a taste which does not sit kindly on my tongue after yesterday. Max’s help with the Voting was necessary, I believe that. And by all rights he listed the parties in the IRC channel in order of largest to smallest: Feds, USWP, WTP. That’s the ranking. That’s how it is.

But people have made the argument, and the argument will continue to be made for some time, that this was unnecessary favor for the Federalists. Indeed, I saw some of my party members exclusively shout to vote Federalist on the feeds yesterday. This does not discount the shouts I also occasionally saw for USWP and WTP exclusively.

I don’t fault the way Max did the shouting. If I were in his position, I would have done the same, regardless of my own party affiliation. If I was still in the WTP I would have shouted it Feds, USWP, WTP. That’s how it’s ranked nationally, that’s the only fair and numerical way to do it. You can trot out whatever psychological argument and mathematical argument you wish to make, but that is the fairest way to do it. Anything else is a favoritism.

And we would still be having this argument if it had been listed in any other order. Different people would be weighing in in different fashions, other arguments would be being made. And that’s the thing: technically, we are still in Unity. But psychologically, we are at an end. The old divisors between parties are cropping up again. Manipulation, capitalization, and argumentation have all taken deep root around the foundations of our ATO efforts.

That needs to stop.

We’re in for a long couple of months ahead of us with this war with Serbia. The likelihood of us being wiped in a direct, all-out war with them is high. I could be wrong, and I hope I am, but the eUS is looking to rapidly return to a state of vassal survival and occupation in a hurry.

And we need it.

But we also need unity. Not the capitalized variety, but the simple noun. Unity of our nation. We can’t be allowing these things to drive us apart because, as yesterday clearly showed, there are plenty of people out there who are willing to do it for us without our help.

To Free Area: congratulations, and very well played. We met a man willing to go the distance to achieve a goal. He achieved it. It’s not a time for us to be sore losers about it. Well done.

To all who helped in the ATO efforts yesterday, a good job goes to you as well. It was a good fight. There will be more in the future.

I don’t have much more to say. Just to be careful that we don’t let our yesterdays ruin our todays, or slight us in the future.

Until next time, dothras chek.