Let Me Introduce Myself...

Day 2,208, 14:22 Published in USA USA by Franklin Stone
:adjusting tin hat:
:touching mike to cause a squelching noise:

Sympathy for the Devil ~Rolling Stones
Could I get a Hooker up here, please?

Free Food and Weapons for America

There are many services that a new citizen may take advantage of, some even supply older high strength high level active citizen soldiers -the most important Soldiers- in order to keep them fighting for America. The following is just a partial list of groups who help:

We The People’s Feed The World - Food for all

1. Grab your profile link
2. Fill out form and submit

Meals on Wheels - FREE FOOD!

1. Be a US citizen at level 25 or under
2. Grab your profile ID (this is the number at the end of your citizen profile page url)

Moving Cost Program- Moving Money

1. Be a US citizen D1-D3
2. Minimum of 500 Strength

Bank Up 2 Strength Up - Free Strength Gold!

1. Be a US citizen at or between levels 21-28
2. Do not belong to any anti-American group (Party or MU)
3. MUST fill out that form DAILY, after using Training Ground(s), to receive Gold payment WEEKLY
4. MUST apply at least 5 out 7 days to get minimal Gold reward for applying.

United States Workers Party - Food for most, Tanks for USWP members
1. Register @ eUSA Forums
2. Find your profile link
3. Visit and post your profile link @ BR4iNs f0r z0MBi3s

American Military Party Food & Tank Program - Food and Weapons for members
1. Be a member of AMP and register at AMP Forums
2. Visit and apply, Tanks: || Food

Liberty Advancement Party LAP It Up - Food for members
1. Be an LAP member Level 29 and under
2. Grab your profile link

Federalist Party No Fed Left Behind - Food and or Tanks
1. Grab your profile link
2. Be a member of the Feds

Many of the above links will also guide you toward political parties, my advice there is to pick wisely and be loyal; volunteer for any grunt work your party might need done. Many citizens -mostly the meta game players- will tell new citizens that the Political Module is dead, died when it became the Party President’s choice as to who among their members would run for Congress and in what order. My opinion is that hard work pays off every time and without honor it means nothing, it is also my opinion that the real power in America is not the Executive; it is the Congressional and America therefore needs strong, honorable and truthful citizens in those seats.

Franklin Stone, Editor in Chief
~The Tin Hat

As many citizens of the new world know Franklin Stone is not my first persona, there have been four previous citizens all of whom managed to get themselves perma banned. If you are curious, or were paying attention to the media, just ask any of your friends and I am sure one of them will know my other personas. However, every one of my personas had one thing in common, they were all born American and none of them have ever been a citizen of any other country. All of them believed in the same four things: strength, honor, truth and America First.

Each and everyone of them also took a stand against a group of citizens and their leader who do not play eRepublik in game, instead they play on an outside forum where they control a meta version of eRepublik; they then work as a group in game to influence eRepublik. Even though I believe the Congressional Forums should be located on the eRepublik Forums, I encourage every new citizen to join those forums and form your own opinion concerning their worth to you and America.

Three threads of interest just to get new citizens starte😛
Congressional Public Debates
[Discussion] Amendment of Section 1.12 of eUS Code
[Vote] Amendment of Section 1.12 of eUS code

There are many reasons for my loyalty to We The People (WTP), but the party leadership’s willingness to accept and guide new citizens is paramount, the job which has been assigned to me is retention; a job I believe myself to be well suited to execute. Through this job I hope to retain loyal Americans and encourage loyal citizens to remain WTP members, all while recruiting new citizens into the best MU in America, Easy Company (EZC); as loyal American Citizen Soldiers who can lay aside their political views and fight for America.

Since the Public Congressional forums is where the in game eRepublik Congress conducts its business it is vital that every citizen become informed, therefore it is also vital that you join the Public Congressional Proceedings on the eUSA Forums and make your voice heard. Sadly many parties have their Party Forums located on these forums, a situation I hope the WTP will change in the near future.

Easy Company, Elite Private Military Unit

A couple of the many reasons I love my Military Unit (MU) and why I would recommend Easy Company (EZC) to all new citizens is the well paid Commune Work and the Military Fitness Academy (MFA), which is ran on the Screamin Eagle Forum, every new citizen who joins EZC and the forum is eligible to apply. The MFA has been very generous with it’s help to me personally and many others like me, helping new citizens strengthen up prior to leveling up; all while remaining among the Top 5 in kills and damage weekly.

However, it is not the commune work nor the MFA that attracted me to Easy Company; it is the esprit de corp among the wildly different citizens. It is the fact that the Easy Company Officer Corps is strong in their leadership and forthcoming with their guidance. They are honorable in their dedication to America as they follow the orders of a meta Government that many of the citizen soldiers of EZC may not fully trust and finally they are open and honest with the soldiers under their command.

USWP Party President

USWP Party President Gnilraps proved the ‘Hard Work Pays Off’ theory when he allowed someone to run for Congress who had ‘put in the work’, a citizen who even after openly stating he was not interested in elective office ran for Congress; he proved that if a citizen is willing to ‘put in the work’ they can work their way into Congress. Even though I dislike this citizen who was honored with the United States Workers Party (USWP) First Congressional Candidate spot, I must agree that if he put in the work he earned his right to run for Congress; however it is not his work ethic I question. It is this citizens strength of commitment to America, his honor in dealing not only with American citizens; but with America’s allies and I question his truthfulness when he can not even admit he wanted into Congress. It was in fact his reason for coming back to America, with that said and as I have said to others, ‘We will see.’; we’ll see if this citizen can change his spots and work with his political opponents.

'What we do in life echoes in eternity.
Strength and honor.'
Maximus Decimus Meridius