Dan Moir for East Mids Congress - Jan. 2010

Day 793, 08:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ePocalypse

For those of you who don’t yet know me, I would like to introduce myself as a candidate for East Midlands congressman. I have held this position before (a few months back). I haven’t run for the last two terms because I had a holiday that spanned a part of each term and I strongly believe that congressmen should be accountable to the public and should be very active for every single day of their term.

I will be running under the TUP banner as usual but please do not let that dissuade you from voting for me if your allegiance is to another party.

I believe strongly in democracy and you can read more about my views on this in my previous NNA awarded article entitled Why is democracy so important? I also believe that every citizen should have the opportunity to realise their full potential, on a level playing field, regardless of in-game age or political allegiance. I believe that the country should do what is best for the majority of it’s citizens rather than the few.

I am extremely active in game, on the forums and also on the irc. I was co-founder of an irc channel specifically for the East Midlands? It’s called #EastMidlandsChat and I can be found there most evenings, as can some of the other active East Midlands players and congressmen. Please feel free to drop by, say hello and ask any questions.

Should you choose me to become your congressman, I will endeavour to keep you all updated on the issues that matter to the nation and to the region by use of this newspaper (which I would urge you all to subscribe to) and on the regional forum. I shall listen to your views and respond to any PMs, regional forum posts or questions raised on the irc.

I always like to help and encourage new players. They are the future of the nation and should be encouraged to progress as far as they are able. I have been one of the largest contributors to the East Midlands for a long time and have helped numerous players whether I was in congress or not. I make an effort to greet new players to the forums and offer advice to any player that needs it. Whether I become a congressman or not, you are most welcome to contact me for advice at any time.

I am currently working in the Ministry of Home Affairs across multiple departments. I have been an UnderMinister in MoHA twice before and have also worked in the Ministry of Trade. This gives me valuable experience within government agencies.

I am an active Marine in the Royal Navy and keep myself informed on the military situation at all times. I feel this is very important, particularly whilst we are surrounded by enemies who wish to take our territories. I fight daily on the battlefield to preserve our freedom and liberty and encourage you all to do the same. Joining the Navy is a great way to do this whether you are experienced in game or a complete novice.

If I am successful, I will be one of 40 congressmen. As such I cannot make promises to change the nation on my own but I can absolutely guarantee that I will do at least my part. My key ideals and pledges are summarised as follows:

1) To listen and respond to what the constituents of the East Midlands have to say.
2) To support and encourage new players.
3) To support democracy.
4) To support the military and it’s leaders.
5) To encourage activity on the forums and in the military.
6) To vote on every single bill/vote going through parliament or in game.
7) To challenge any proposals that will harm the average, low level player.

Apart from that, anything could happen in the coming month. I will be active daily and ready to respond to any situation or bill that comes along.

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto. If you decide to vote for somebody else then please ensure that they are forum active and will work on your behalf.

Don't forget to check out and subscribe to these government papers to keep up to date with country's goings on:
The Prime Minister
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Home Affairs
National Newspaper Association

And remember to get involved on the eUK Forums
Learn about all aspects of the game on the Official eUK Wikipedia Page
There is also a fresh off the press New Players’ Guide