Day 2,204, 19:51 Published in USA USA by Hale26

What can I say? These Oblige-esque titles are growing on me. Full Caps rage titles? Hell yes. Why live life in size 12 when the caps lock key is right there, waiting for you in its green-lighty-greenness?


No answer.

None. No good excuse to avoid the FULL CAPS RAGE that comes with Article titles. Anything else is hypocrisy. Just like my declaration of Pfeiffer as god. Or those filthy Dioist pigs. Thank Di….er....yeah, that the admins have asserted Sweden’s dominance of the sands of Paki.


Not even that awesome new radio show that has terrible buffering rates can save you now, b*tches. Your disgusting sand-worm selfs are going to be obliberated. Frozenated. Left out in the cold


One Dioist at a time, mon chochous. First the SEESes fell, then the Pfeifferists fell and now the Dioists will fall. Well, more like accept that they fell. Dio hasn’t been relevant since...what? 1 year before my e-birth? Not like Snow is any better. Look at those cat-loving zombies, pour l’example. And no, I don’t mean us under one of Mazzy’s terms. I mean those f**king Frost sucker-offers. That’s right.

I called most of eAmerica a cat-sucker offer. You disgust me. You cat-f**king, beastiality loving pigs. All of you. And, hate to crush your dreams babes, but FROST’S D IS MINE.




Rather chilly impression of me, you’re having? Or, should I say, a cold taste in your mouths? Oh come now. I’m open about my thoughts. That’s what eAmerica and RL America were founded on. Nothing to give me the….cold, shoulder over.

And yes. I do feel dirty. Those were accidental-jizz-in-pants worthy terrible word plays. Never fear tho.



My term has finally begun to fully pick up as WTP Party President. I have many an update for you. In this issue of The Stairway we’ll be looking at some

*Staff Changes, some
*Fed battles, the
*New WWG, the
*EPIC WIN and the
*CP Primary from hell.

I have a lot to write about, so I’ll be shelving some stories for another edition. Yes. The progress levels are so high, that we can’t even fit it all into one article.

...That, or this article is actually a few days late.

As for the intro to this...yeah. That's a remnant of one of the I'm-too-lazy-to-write-but-must-write intros I was doing. Turned out into a decent rant, so here it is. And yes, this is my usual train of thought around those issues. Take of that what you will. Oh, and the "I Brought Pipes" would make sense...till I had to cut out that segment. It's been a recuring theme in WTP Leadership for the past few weeks to have the "Pipes" done. Pipes equalling new infrastructure.

I must announce a few staff changes that occured awhile ago. Firstly, George Griffin has stepped down as Director of WIN before the project focus began.

RaiseHell is the new WIN Director. Congratulations mate.

Also, dmjohnston has taken a leave of absencse as Recruitment Director. Recruitment Director’s duties are small, but with a baby in hand? No such thing as a small task.

No real need to find a new Director as of yet; The job is easy. Better to leave it open for any of our enterprising new workers who wish to prove themselves.
Finally, Mentoring will be taking on Drew Blood as their second mentor in preparation for the “Great Push”. What’s the great push? Babies, doll. Babies everywhere. We’re shooting out quads if I get my way.

WTP challenged the Federalists to a voting contest a week ago. It was the forces of GLORIOUS COMMUNISM versus evil, dirty fail venture capitalists. It was a clash of civilizations. It was an epic battle. It was costly. It was wonderous. It was…


Yeah. We lost round 1.


A new round has begun. Retention has been notified and the Pony Whalers are putting Voting Squadrons up (more details later), articles have been put out and we’re pushing our GLORIOUS VICTORY harder than ever. We’re in less than 5 votes distance from the Feds atm. VOTE HERE FOR GLORIOUS, GLORIOUS COMMUNIST WTP VICTOY

Comrades, let us look past the flesh that our enemies reside in for but a mere moment to realize the….greater, implications of our struggle. Through our war with the Federalists, we created near 400 votes in a week for eNASA.

That is the single biggest contribution done to eNASA in its history.

By the two strongest parties in eAmerica working together for a shared goal we have reaped great results. Using what was bitter hate and rivalry, we've played a notable part in the restructuring of our nation's playerbase. More newbs, more soldiers, more eAmerica that everyone can enjoy.

…..Not to mention, it’s gonna look great on my record when we win.


W.I.N was created a mere 10ish days ago with the sole purpose of involving our party in IRC and Forums. In its prime, it will be sending instructional PMs to get people on the forums and IRC. It will work with FPS to get people involved and motivated in their activity.

To encourage activity in the parties mediums, we must first achieve an accurate measure of current activity. That, is WIN’s current task.

Currently WIN is collecting info on Forum and IRC users. We should have some stats put out by week’s end, alongside efforts to increase these numbers.

It’s finally here.

The WTP Writer’s Guild has been resurrected. Now with twice the graphics!

Essentially, WWG’s goal is to promote media and provide a rallying point for WTPers. Anyone from a non-T5 party and WTP may join. Everytime you publish an article with the WWG tag, seen in this article, WTP Leadership will go out of its way to vote and comment on your article.

The article can be about anything. No matter what it is, our party will come out in force to support your media through exposure, shouts and constructive criticism.

You want to get involved in ressurecting eAmerica’s media? Fancy yourself a modern day eAmerican publishing hero? Contact Tanishq and she’ll set you right up.

These are trialing times, eAmerica. Babies in the streets, crying due to lack of votes. Romanians on our shores, using our Russian buddies as footstools. So close we can even see them from...Alaska!?!

Employment is down. The Congress has divulged into a petty game of who can close whose thread first. We have government employees devoted strictly to Human Trafficking or something like that! Factories are being shipped to eChina. eNorth Korea has reemerged as a force to be dealt with.

Worst of all, we are selling our nation’s virginity to Spolish studs.

While nations like Ireland are out creating peace in the middle east, we here at home are a shadow of ourselves. Thanks to the opressive regime of Emperor Nazieus Azellius, not a single soul in the nation dare speak out against our terrible state. No one man has the gusto to challenge the norm and the failures that come with it.

Some here in WTP beg to be different. Led by Comrade Geronimo100 and a band of his fellows, a force has arisen to save our country.

It is, the PECOW. That’s right. PEE-COW. The Pie Eating Communists of WTP.

Upon their inception, they challenged the CEFONA (CEEF-ONA) ruling elite to a vote off. The Cake Eating Forces of Nazieus Azellius accepted the challenge, and now war has broke out.

In the upcoming days, “Pies” and “Cakes” will be knocking on your door, asking you to vote for their cause. The Pies promise freedom. The Cakes promise prosperity.



...Yeah. So, turns out no one is running against Naz. Correspondingly, our Director of Securities Concept issued me a report detailing that party leadership accounted for 80% of the votes last election. This makes sense in the sense that our leadership is massive. But really here, that is a terrible statistic. We need to get more people involved in the voting proccess.

So, we’re doing it via Commies vs Dictators. Or, Pie vs Cake.

Elections will go on until the 4th. I urge everyone to take a side and get involved.

This article has got rather lengthy. I'll have to address Congress issues and FTW later on, it seems. Ah well.

That's all from me. Continue to INSURGIO~, peoples.

To Shout;


Food for the Newbs, Media for the Nation