[US-AIM] C4 Joins US-AIM

Day 1,992, 03:03 Published in USA USA by Haselrig

➸ Today, C4 enters a new era. We are set to join such distinguished company as EZC, Seal Team 6, Praetorian Guard, the eUS Military MU's as well as several other independent militias as founding members of US-AIM (United States Association of Independent Militias). A confederation of the nations top militias, US-AIM would allow C4 to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the finest units in the eUSA to defend the country against any foreign threats while allowing us to keep our most valuable asset, our independence.

The focus of US-AIM will be to coordinate in the areas of strategy, deployments, personnel and supplies, promising unique opportunities for all of the partner MU’s. Successful alliances manage the partnerships, not just the agreement, for collaborative advantage. US-AIM will prove no different in this regard. AIM marks an entry into uncharted territory and attention must be paid to managing the priorities and unique situations of the member militias as the organization evolves from today’s starting point going forward if the lofty goals set by it’s founding members are to be achieved. Managed properly, US-AIM could prove far superior to the USAF in size, influence, efficiency and esprit de corps.

The Founding Members:

Seal Team 6

Easy Company

Praetorian Guards

eUS Military:
-US Marine Corps
-US Army
-Mobile Infantry
-National Guard
-US Training Corps

Cannon Cockers

VMA 214 The Black Sheep

Sherwood Foresters

Sons of Liberty


The Activity

The Revolutionary Army

✍ Haselrig
Commanding Officer, C4