[TTH] Moving Forward or Status Quo?

Day 2,173, 06:52 Published in USA USA by Franklin Stone
:adjusting tin hat:
:touching mike to cause a squelching noise:

Could I get a Hooker up here, please?

Wake up, American.

Today I pontificate upon the upcoming elections for President. For the first time in a year or two or etc…America is having free multicandidate elections. Beware America, my best advice is to inform yourself and make the right choice. America knows where the current government has brought us, they have brought us to servitude under the yoke of TWO.

American Revolution?

On November 5th America has a chance for the first time in 2 or more years to change our culture; to change the world's perception of a selfish Brother and Ally. As a citizen recently pointed out that there have been 15 (I don’t count Glove) hand picked Presidential Candidates, all of them more active in the ‘meta game’ than they are ‘in game’; they play the game of eRepublik OUTSIDE of eRepublik.

For the first time in many, many moons America is going to be faced with multiple choices for President as listed on day 2173 in each parties page:

Wild Owl, for the USWP and an Easy Company soldier, she (?) has a plan; with straightforward ideas on solutions.

NewAzazel, a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. and current Foreign Affairs Ambassador.

dmjohston, from my own party the WTP, Commander of the USAF and current Secretary of Defense.

Evry, from the AMP is the only candidate who has been President in the past and therefore, since the call by Artela was for new blood to step up, should not even be on the ballot; if your candidate is going to be a former President then Israel Stevens is a far better choice.

Aramec, a long time citizen from America’s newest Top 5 party the Liberty Advancement Party and Regimental Captain of the Air Force.

Ronald Gipper Reagan, State Enemy Extraordinaire!

The other day America’s number one enemy Ronald Gipper Reagan published the article Paul Proteus Commits Treason Approves Benedict Pfeiffer, now I detest RGR and all he stands for; but even your enemies can be right once in a while. Seems the greatest traitor in American history has been allowed back into America.

Over in the ‘meta game’ on the eUSA Forums in the ‘General eRepublik’ sub forum the ‘metagamers’ have stickied the thread entitled The Ajay Bruno Story, now anyone who reads this sticky realizes that it is a character smear; mostly everything stated in the thread is true -but a smear campaign none the less. RGR has also been banned from the eUS Forums for being an Enemy of the State and a Traitor to America for his ties to Serbia.

Henry Pfeiffer Arundel, Traitor Extraordinaire?

So the same day on those same forums I opened a thread in the ‘General eRepublik’ sub forum, the very sub forum on which the Ajay Bruno Story resides, entitled 'Traitor Henry Pfeiffer Arundel and his dirty politics…', in which I pointed out that Paul Proteus had granted citizenship to a citizen who brags that he tanks only for the United Kingdom and since they are members of TWO that means against America, defecting to TWO and serving in the UK Parliament during wartime; aiding and abetting our Serbian enemy. Now while America is under the yoke of Polish servitude negotiated by ex British citizen Artela he makes his triumphant return as what…Patriotic American Hero or Traitorous Serbian Lapdog?

That thread was moved to the ‘eRepublik Sandbox’ sub forum and I received a response to a wall shout which said,

‘Some threads that are basically character smears deserve to be moved, and although I didn't do this, I support it.

If you want to start a thread that's like "Pfeiffer returns home - good or bad for the eUSA" along with some sort of analysis or criticism (only coming back after the PTO was beaten) you are welcome to.’

So basically, while the ‘metagamers’ may smear anyone who they deem a threat to America, when one of their own becomes a traitor and someone points that out instead of making it a sticky; it gets moved to a sub forum very few citizens visit.

Franklin Stone - Tin Hat Wearer Extraordinaire!

I am not asking citizens to believe anything I have said, in fact I insist that you DO NOT believe me; while encouraging you to go and check for yourself by asking long time active citizens of eRepublik. Join the Screamin Eagle Forum and ask anyone. Go and read the newspapers of the two above citizens and read the ones by all of the citizens who currently wish to be President; always taken ofc with the grain of salty knowledge that it is in all likelihood propaganda. Also I encourage you to join the eUSA Forums and wade through the tons of threads contained there, especially the sub forums which form the ‘Meta Congress’ from which the ‘metagamers’ rule govern America.

I'm just saying, be informed America...

'What we do in life echoes in eternity.
Strength and honor.'
Maximus Decimus Meridius