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Assorted ideas and reflections

Factories and Progress 1

8 Dan 2,631, 08:48 Objavljeno u Japan Japan Financijsko poslovanje Financijsko poslovanje

Today I would like to start another financial topic broadly given by the questions: Which factories to buy and in what order should they be upgraded? Given the market dynamics, high upgrade costs, the order turns out to be important, and difficult

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Training vs Earning 2

15 Dan 2,615, 15:17 Objavljeno u Japan Japan Financijsko poslovanje Financijsko poslovanje

First of all, I would like to thank everybody who supported the previous article on the subject - by comments, votes and endorsements. I was not expecting such interest and I hope that you will

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Training vs Earning

23 Dan 2,601, 03:21 Objavljeno u Japan Japan Financijsko poslovanje Financijsko poslovanje

I have recently talked to a few citizens about the efficiency of training contracts and I was surprised to find that there are some misconceptions about the whole idea. Contrary to what people expect, you will lose gold while doing it.


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