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New Era stuff with a load of random nonsense on the side

Easter is cancelled (and other jokes)

2 Dan 1,958, 13:05 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Easter has been cancelled for next year, it's all part of the cutbacks by the coalition.

They say that money would be better spend if it was taken form the poor and given to the rich, as many rich people are wanting a 5th home in the Caribbean

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Easter Present/Competition

10 Dan 1,958, 05:51 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Hello, happy easter

I hope you all have a good day, everyone, everywhere

I will give 20 q5 food to whoever can think of a single word or phrase that is relevant for me to put into the list (below) spelling happy easter


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The end of the world?

21 Dan 1,955, 02:27 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

No not quite (I am not going to say it is going to be a New Era for us as that is getting old)

Urgent : Please do not read if you do not have a sense of humor as this paper is not meant to be taken 100% seriously

The UKPP is falling

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My PP election manifesto

6 Dan 1,936, 06:39 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Hello all, I am wigibob, 3x Vice PP and 1x secretary general of New Era and I am going to explain why you should vote for me and what I will do if I am elected.

1.I am dedicated to New Era and the British army, I remember the days when it was The

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Quote of the week (Day 1934)

0 Dan 1,934, 11:24 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

This weeks quote is:
Every decision you make is a mistake - Edward Dahlberg

Thanks for reading


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