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On the 25th -> Maine -> UIP -> John Largo -> Win!!!

11 Dan 1,247, 19:18 Objavljeno u USA USA Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

On April 25th, I would like you (yes you!) to hop in your e-car and make the quick trip the the grand state of Maine and vote John Largo for congress.

Why Maine? Well for starters, that is the state I was assigned. But more importantly and

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Support John Largo in South Dakota!

6 Dan 1,218, 17:04 Objavljeno u USA USA

My name is John Largo and I am writing this article to ask you to vote for me in South Dakota. I was told that it would help the eNation if I ran under the USWP banner. For my UIP fans, do not worry. After election day I will rejoin my home party.

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Tests Articles??

2 Dan 1,209, 06:36 Objavljeno u USA USA

So, I see a lot of articles titled test. What is going on?

I guess I'll join in all the fun too.


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Thanks for Voting me into Congress

8 Dan 1,194, 18:08 Objavljeno u USA USA

Thanks for voting me into Congress! I will make you proud.

Oh, and you get a reward too:

Reward #1[/

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Vote John Largo for Congress in Nebraska!

11 Dan 1,190, 17:58 Objavljeno u USA USA

Hello World!

My name is John Largo and I am running for congress under the UIP party in the great state of Nebraska. Vote John Largo on the 25th!

What are my

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