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5 Dan 1,726, 08:48 Objavljeno u North Korea North Korea Analiza ratovanja Analiza ratovanja

Thoigh enk does not exist geographically, it continues to exist in our hearts. Please support us in wars. I am not saying this to just enk, I am saying this to the world. China included. Surely they have some good citizens.

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3 Dan 1,726, 08:41 Objavljeno u North Korea North Korea Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Please elect me as the president of cipher. I would like to do this so every citizen, rich or poor, young or old, popular or unpopular can be represented. So vote for me for a greater enk.

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Us as a country

1 Dan 1,716, 09:09 Objavljeno u North Korea North Korea Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

We, as eNKers, tend to think of ourselves as a more Socialist minded country. That may be what we think, but it is not what is happening. Nowadays, babies have no chance in party elections. Our elected offials also haven't been doing anything about

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5 Dan 1,714, 19:08 Objavljeno u North Korea North Korea Financijsko poslovanje Financijsko poslovanje

The price of gold must go down! Everyone should have a fair shot at everything. The only way to be someone is through gold at this point. That shouldn't be the case, but if it is, we should decrease the price of gold. Also free gold should be

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Flash Bang

0 Dan 1,714, 19:01 Objavljeno u North Korea North Korea Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Vote Flash Bang for CP!!!! Everyone Meifawan is to far right.

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