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Fair and Balanced....

[Werewolf] Day Three

17 Dan 2,508, 17:06 Objavljeno u Australia Australia Prvi koraci u eRepubliku Prvi koraci u eRepubliku

The villagers are woken up, heavily hungover, by the screams of the ghost of kerna96, who constantly haunts the village with his tales of 'the good ole days'.

Nailed to the statue of scottty the nuke is former mayor Dodgy Hagird. They are

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[Werewolf] Night Two

10 Dan 2,507, 17:40 Objavljeno u Australia Australia Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

The villagers debate (point and shout) over who should be ceremoniously killed today. In the end it comes down to a dead tie, where DodgyHagrid, newly appointed mayor of McCrutchville, must break it.

He decides it will be best if each defendant

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[Werewolf] Day Two

30 Dan 2,505, 22:50 Objavljeno u Australia Australia Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

The villagers wake up at the crack of dawn to find the limp and bloody body of J Seemore sitting around their statue.

"Someone should really clean that up" the villagers all agree, as they stand and wait for someone to do so. No one does.

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[Werewolf] Night One

10 Dan 2,504, 18:49 Objavljeno u Australia Australia Prvi koraci u eRepubliku Prvi koraci u eRepubliku

And so thw villagers vote in DodgyHagrid as their new mayor. After he promises to give a balloon to anyone that votes for him.

In his historic inaugural address he keeps it short and sweet. "Werewolves...are...bad." "The crowd erupts with

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[Werewolf] Day One

22 Dan 2,502, 21:37 Objavljeno u Australia Australia Prvi koraci u eRepubliku Prvi koraci u eRepubliku

The villagers of McCrutchville, named after an intrepid explorer who died in the very area of a nasty toenail infection, are faced with a serious problem of the supernatural variety. Their town is once again being overrun by werewolves.


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