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Fair and biased news coverage since February 2011! Please forgive us if a Fusion Accident occurs.

Exile's Log, Day 483

5 Dan 483, 22:33 Objavljeno u Japan Japan

I have spent the day since leaving work secluded in my room, lost in contemplation. What path will I choose for my future here? I need to give it more thought.

A few members of my party, the TFC, have asked me about running for Congress. I

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Exile's Log, Day 482

6 Dan 482, 21:46 Objavljeno u Japan Japan

Today has seemed to pass so quickly. I am pleasantly surprised at how much friendly camaraderie there is in eJapan. In the US, by comparison, I was alone in a crowd, yet did not know it.

I have discovered that, while I came here seeking peace,

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Exile's Log, Day 481

12 Dan 481, 09:25 Objavljeno u Japan Japan

Today is the day that I have begun my self-imposed exile from the United States of America.

I have been thinking this over for several days now. Like many citizens of the United States, I saw no way out. We had declared war for no clear reason.

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