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Irasian's newspaper that may contain many different things that may or may not be appropriate.

Much ado about almost nothing

8 Dan 1,174, 14:28 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland

Hello again dear reader.

I found I had some spare time on my hands and to be suffering from lack of sleep so I decided to write this article.

Jokes or they are supposed to be but may not appeal to some readers.

The Dead Lawyer


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2 Dan 1,170, 16:42 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland

I suddenly had the urge to write an article so here goes.

Jokes that may potentially be funny/offensive depending on your personnal taste in the matter of which I apologise if any of these jokes offend anyone and will continue to post

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1st sort of article that may not make much sense or have much appeal

4 Dan 1,143, 19:55 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland

About ME (The me would be the author a.k.a. Irasian)
I was born in Ireland.
I like to play games, read (especially fantasy and sci-fi), among other things

Well let me start off with a bit of a story about my re-e-life
I apologise for

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7 Dan 1,141, 20:37 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland

It has been a while since I have seen our beautiful shores.
I remember the time when the US had a couple of states left and were surrounded and it seemed like a stalemate with the war going neither way. This was about a year ago.

Well I think

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