Ambijent uključi/isključi

Getting back to the normal life of Erepublik

9 Dan 22, 00:00 Objavljeno u USA USA

Great news today: we've been selected to be in the top 5 finalists of Le Web 3 – Start Up contest. We've made also an announcement on the blog here:

Meanwhile, Erepublik life it's getting back to it's

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Party Elections and modules again available

16 Dan 20, 00:00 Objavljeno u USA USA

Today all the party members in Erepublik have voted their Presidents. If you didn't placed your vote yet there are still few hours time to do that. |||Also we made available again the modules that we're not available during the weeken😛
- create

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Modules temporary disabled

16 Dan 19, 00:00 Objavljeno u USA USA

For security reasons we disabled the Monetary Market, Write article and Donations modules.|||Every Citizen that used those modules to get undeserved benefits has received a fine and was banned.
We will work on Monday to make available again the

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Help us building Erepublik

18 Dan 18, 00:00 Objavljeno u USA USA

Many Citizens are testing our website for vulnerabilities. With such a complex structure as the Erepublik website, it is relatively easy to find ways to break the rules. |||Some Citizens are using those vulnerabilities instead of reporting them.

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We are back in the game

21 Dan 17, 00:00 Objavljeno u USA USA

On the 5th of December some Citizens started to steal Gold from other Citizens using a security breach in the code. Because of the project complexity and because we've found out other security weak points, we've realized that it will take some

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