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Taas eSuomessa

10 Dan 4,770, 15:29 Objavljeno u Finland Finland Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Palasin eNorjasta. Ei jaksa enää.... Klikkaan damaget mihin käsketään.

Mutta mitä täällä on tapahtunut?

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Terkkuja eNorjasta!

1 Dan 4,019, 17:09 Objavljeno u Finland Finland Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

eNorjassa kaikki hyvin!

No ei oo!

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Someone bought all my tanks! Extra tax return for eNorwegians!

30 Dan 3,899, 15:53 Objavljeno u Norway Norway Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

I will give extra tax return to every eNorway citizen that comments on this article to celebrate that I finally sold all my Q7 tanks. Thank you to whoever bought all 8000 of them!


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eNorway where are we today?

13 Dan 3,895, 15:57 Objavljeno u Norway Norway Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

In the past, eFinland was part of eNorway.

... they fought hard and became greater nation ...

What if eNorway would become part of eFinland?

Why not?

Why yes?

Just curious personally? Want to hear what you think.


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eNorway where are we today?

7 Dan 3,880, 17:18 Objavljeno u Norway Norway Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

How can eNorway operate as a team? Any ideas?

And do we want to get more real-life Norwegians to join the game?

What do you think we could do to

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