Ambijent uključi/isključi

Time for a Collective Cerebral Colonic

19 Dan 857, 17:10 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland

Thank you for your votes, and I will do my utmost to fulfill the promises laid out in my manifesto. 🙂

So I'm back in the Private Dail again. I was catching up on some threads and yeesh....... Glad I wasn't in there over the last two weeks. I

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The Marmite Movement

21 Dan 856, 00:19 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland


1. What is the Marmite Movement?
2. Who can join?
3. Can I still be part of the Marmites if I am part of The Way of the Pants?

What Is the Marmite Movement

The Marmite Movement is the brainchild of moi, Edana Savage.

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Take Control of Your Destiny

22 Dan 851, 09:58 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland


1. Yes, I am running for TD again
2. Yes, I have a theme song

Yes, I am running for TD again

Just when you thought you were safe....... j/k

I'm running in Shannon this time. I go where I am needed, and I am needed in

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What the (insert expletive) Is Going on with the Markets?!

26 Dan 850, 06:38 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland

It's getting bad out their, loves. I'm not sure what is going on, but I'm disturbed to say the least. I'm no economic expert. I know people who are good at that sort of thing, but that is not my area of expertise.

So please, enlighten me?

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My Laptop Died

20 Dan 849, 21:59 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland

That is the official word after the autopsy. It couldn't handle the amount of sh*t that has been going on in eRep and therefore died. *sigh*

There is a big hole in my heart. I miss my wee laptop. When I wasn't feeling well, It would come

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