Training Grounds Loan Program

Day 2,452, 19:51 Published in Canada Poland by TheSmoke

This one is for Tom Joad,

YELLOW, been awhile since I've picked up my fingers and wrote something here, but alas your tears have been for naught! Recently there have been some talks about the government setting up some sort of loan program to help entice younger players to upgrade their Training Grounds. I am very much for this idea, as long as it is done right, and if so, it will be a solid long term investment for Canada.

The goal is for the government to vet all Applicants and/or Sponsors prior to any loan, then hand out a maximum of 10 gold through a Org managed by the Comptroller or MoF. The loans will be backed by a Sponsor, who is a recognized member of our community, if an applicant is unable to repay the loan.

There are a few areas that we still need input and direction on, and those are as follows:

- How much should the government be loaning to a single individual, and overall to all applicants at any one time.
- Should the loans only be issued on days when sales for Training Grounds are active?
- Vetting process for all applicants + sponsor, or just sponsors to cut down on workload?
- 2 ii) perhaps paying half the loan back, an applicant can ask for a larger loan of say 15 or 20 gold?
- We need a little input on how much gold an Org can receive through donations in a day. If it is like players, and only a max of 10 gold per day, we will have to create a rough payment schedule to avoid issues. Or payments made in currency back to the Org.
- When voting "in accordance to the CRoO" I mean a simple majority is sufficient as long as quorum is met.

1. Applications

i) All applicants must fill out the 'Training Grounds Upgrade Form' in order to be considered for a loan.
ii) All applicants must have a sponsor who is a willing to cover the loan in case of a missed payment. No Sponsor can support more than 50 gold in total under this Bill.
iii) All applications will be reviewed by Congress with the aim of ensuring the applicant and sponsor both represent a respectable proposal with minimal chance of defaulting. A vote in accordance to the CRoO will be held for each applicant.
iv) Accepted applicants will be placed onto an approved list within the forum, and can request that loan anytime thereafter.

2. Payments

i) An applicant may request a loan of 10 gold only, anytime after their application has been reviewed and approved. Loans will be handed out by the Comptroller or MoF through a Government Org.
ii) Applicants will have 30 days to pay back their loan in full before they can request another loan. Failure to do so will result in the Sponsor being required to cover the remaining costs within 10 days of the original 30 day period.
iii) Failure of both Applicant, and Sponsor to repay any debts will have their names recorded and unable to re-apply or Sponsor in the future. Congress must vote in accordance to the CRoO to remove an Applicant or Sponsor from the banned list if they believe there is reasonable evidence to do so.
iv) All payments will be made to the Comptroller or MoF and recorded in a public Gdoc accessible to the public through the forums.

3. Funding

i) At the beginning of every month, Congress will determine a set amount of gold that will be available to the Bill. This will be done through a forum vote in accordance to the CRoO
ii) Congress must consider the amount of gold available in the treasury, along with the current approved budget, to set a reasonable amount of gold aside for this Bill.
iii) The total outstanding loans by Congress under this program shall not exceed 200 Gold at any one point

Hope to have some input here from y'all!

