Sweden - A Tyrant's warpath

Day 547, 13:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

The Swede's have attacked Schleswig-Holstein. If you want to help them, you can fight them here:
If you PM me I can provide you with weapons. You do not need a moving ticket.

But, do not let your wellness drop, go to a Q5 region and heal after fighting to keep your health at 100!
Why? Because the Swede's may invade the UK.

The UK

Recent event's have really stirred the UK. Mainly RoadRunnerSpeed's "blackmail" of the Government. He stole the majority of gold from our accounts and is returning it portions providing his requirements go met. His requirements are outlined in this threa😛

He has been branded a terrorist, a martyr, a fool. It has to be said that his actions where very rash, and inappropriate. However, our government was forced into action, relinguishing Goku Jones from his position as MoFa, and forcing Britain to support Germany (Good show!). Goku Jones, has since proposed a presidential impeachment on Sara Droz. Personally I urge Congress to vote NO. I think so far she has been doing a good job as our PM, it is only until recently that she has been accused of doing a bad job, but it seems to me that regardless of who is PM the country is under a huge amount of stress at the moment, and cracks are bound to show.

The Government has begun seeking Alliances elsewhere, trying to secure our borders )Sweden weren't interested), and making agreements with PEACE countries. This is pretty handy, considering we need all the help we can get if Sweden attacks us.


After launching attacks on Germany, as mentioned earlier it now seems, that Sweden could launch an Invasion on the UK. We are at war with them because our MPP with Germany came into affect, we are negotiating with them, but the RG has been armed. It still astonishes me, that a single, immature country can bring about the end to Atlantis.

So war for us?, can the Swede's handle fighting two Countries at once? Will the USA back us in our fight? Only time will tell. Until then, I suggest doing all you can to help defend our own country, and Germany too. When fighting, remember to fight smart.

As a personal note, I'm beginning to think Sweden is run and populated entirely by 14 year old's, who only see the war side of the game. Their diplomacy seems lacking and they also seem to think that past German actions and us having an MPP with Germany justify's war. I feel they need to wake up and smell the coffee.


On a lighter note, we are approaching the Congressional elections. It is around this time of the year that I direct people towards this:
The beginnner's Guide to Congress.

I myself will be running for election again, if your in the east Midlands, vote smart 😉

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