Statistici Legiunea Umbrelor [Day 2003 - Day 2009]

Day 2,010, 12:37 Published in Romania Turkey by Liviuuuu

[God of War **] OrgyOfHate [God of War **] ODE II
[God of War] Liviuuuu (R4) [God of War] CCF10
[Legendary Force ***] Rostock [Legendary Force ***] Ady07 (R4)
[Legendary Force **] Xamolxes [Legendary Force *]
[Legendary Force] sOuljaBoy [Legendary Force] Dalibor Czesky
[World Class Force **] teasegretazina [World Class Force *] Andr3yZ
[World Class Force] Pr0tect0rs [World Class Force] albinoza
[National Force ***] fistmafia (R4) [National Force ***] Ruksi
[Supreme Marshal ***] mib boby [General ***] rizeck

Stats (treaba serioasa) Pr0tecT0Rs ---- Aranjat (Smenul sa arate bine) D a v e
Rank up +10% pentru cei care au cumparat "Combat Stash". Bombe, rachete, arcuri, sulite, bolovani - nu sunt contorizate
Stats From: 5/15/2013 1😇1:58 To: 5/22/2013 1😇1:02

Mandru ca's in LU (vorbesc in numele tuturor celor din LU),
D a v e!