MOOve over Wally

Day 1,500, 09:15 Published in Canada Canada by Goran Thrax

I had a wonderful Christmas morning, lovely breakfast and a good sleep. All seemed right with the world until I got a steaming lump of Coal in my proverbial stocking. Wally Cleaver had deceived the members of the Ministry of Opportunity party on December 15th, and on Christmas morning he showed his true allegiance to Rolo and company. Wally Cleaver the Deceiver had rebranded my party as Norsefire, supporting Rolo's ploy to place a junta of his own supporters into Congress to once again hijack our government.

I simply couldn't stand for that.

Such a move is completely at odds with every precept of the Ministry of Opportunity party, and the original aims of Norsefire. For those who may not know, Norsefire was a political party that swept into national prominence and led the nation into our first real golden era of nation building. I know, I was a member of the movement, young as I was at the time.

What Rolo calls Norsefire bears no resemblance to the real thing, it's smoke and mirrors with no substance other than to give him and his cronies another round of LuLz.

What Wally Cleaver the Deceiver did to MOO is but a pale mockery of ideals that made eCanada strong and great. I for one will not be standing idly by while it happens again.

Wally Cleaver the Deceiver doesn't speak for the MOO party, and doesn't even have access to our party forums, let alone the hearts and minds of our members.

I for one will be back on January the 15th to ensure that Wally Cleaver and those like him can no longer tarnish the name or ideals of one of our nation's strongest pillars of democracy!

Goran Thrax