Freedom in Scotland!

Day 2,404, 17:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Akarin Weston


---The Britannic---


Special Return Edition

What better way to restart my newspaper than with an article that simple congratulates EVERYONE who helped liberate Scotland.

Having personally put £1000 into supporting the Revolution, and winning; a True Patriot, Battle Hero and Resistance Hero achievement from this war, I am immensely proud to have taken part in it and hope we can take back everything Canada steals from us, within days of them doing it.



Time Well Spent

I started this game in 2009, like any other newb, there was no military and the politics seemed very convoluted, the TUP and UKRP fought & dominated. I did not get very far, as I hit level 20 and found myself bored of logging in and unwilling to spend money to allow further progression at a much quicker pace.

However, I received the e-mail about 4 new countries being started with citizenship available, for whatever reason, probably alcohol related, I clicked the link and returned to a vast improved, changed and militaristic game, 5 years on from my initial jolly here. Instead of seeking citizenship in the 4 new eCountries, I stuck with the eUK.

Spending much of my first week wandering 'What the hell is ATO/PTO/NE' and then this whole Vendetta issue, even myself being accused of a TUP multi-personality, it did not inspire me. Luckily, I knew what the game was about, so stuck around and got past all the political shenanigans of the Acroc Presidency (He was very friendly with me as a new/returning player)

I have the peaceful bliss of not being too effected by all this, and frankly I hold no ill-will, thoughts, intentions or opinions of any involved.


Immediate Intentions

They were obvious, join a Party and, seeing as the system included fighting, an MU.

I chose the Royal Navy, and was hugely grateful to Admiral of the day, Mick Cain for his help, as well as Suezo. I partake in the Sunday strikes, all of them since my return, and can boast since reviving Akarin, i have worked, trained and fought EVERY day.

Then, I chose the UKPP, and despite good intentions, Sambo decided to push a merger, a move I opposed. With Alfagrem in the PP hotseat and helping push for new members regularly myself, I hope to play an active and long lasting role in the renewed vitality of the UKPP.


Foresight For The Future

Being lucky to remember my 2009 UK forum login, I was able to re-join that community, although it is once more dying, but I hope to see a revival as we fight back from a 'wipe' from the Argies... I blame Thatcher for their unwashed hostility.

I plan to, whatever sad things this may say about my life, log on daily and partake all I can in the eUK community, and I hope it remains a strong & vibrant community, which I beg the older players remember, needs new blood, lest it becomes the eUK Community Care Home.



To Alan and the NHS for their continued support since my return.

To Madelina and eBrit Uni, I only have to get 5 subscribers and I have 'graduated', completing all 20 Tasks.

To Huey George for support and advise. It feels great to be able to pay off the TG Loan already, as a thanks for the Bank's support.

To Alfagrem for reviving the UKPP from the threat of death by merger.

To Suezo & co for the Aluminium Scheme.

To BigAnt for helping me realise o7 is a salute... we will say nothing about how stupid this makes me look now. \o/ ... thats 'wooo' or arms in the air 😛


Newb Rant

The communication from the Government on the current Wars has been, frankly, terrible. Whilst I support the President, and his Government, I think it is vital that transparency extend to ALL Government departments. It will not hurt the MoFA to say they are talking to Argentina, or try give some context or even their own opinion on why Canada invaded... i mean its bloody Canada, their afraid of the dark!!!

But I have been a good little citizen, and followed all MoD instructions, fighting where I am told, trying to stave off their attacks, and in Scotland, luckily, LIBERTATING IT!

Well, that is it from me, I intend to do an article a week, or whenever i think of witty comments on current eUK affairs really, so please vote, shout and subscribe if you want 😃

Many thanks,

5 Year Old
The Britannic Editor
Scottish Liberator