Disregarding players and the end of my time here.....

Day 2,132, 12:46 Published in Canada Canada by T.E. Lwrence
The end. (Consider it a denouncing of myself)

Friends, countrymen, Colleagues. Today i write because of my disgust with what this game has become. I've been here for 80% of this games existence. I have been contemplating leaving this game for almost two years of that time. My time has come to die by ritual suicide.

This game is currupt. Plato is the enemy. I have watched and stood idly for far too long. Gold shouldn't dictate how a game is run. Gold is the enemy. I have donated all that i can to the canadian government.I may return at a later date but at this point i will drain my Treasury, Uselessly battle one last time, resign from my current position as dMoFa, And finaly bring peace to this eCitizen's broken soul.

This game is broken, this game is a waste.

To everyone i had the pleasure of working with or talking to over the years, i thank you for your kindness, your warmth, and your brotherhood.

I wish to bid a special farewell to the few friends i still have and the few for so long who kept me playing this game. And to the ones who helped me learn when this game was actually good.

to Crisfire, Acacia Mason, Temujin BC, Citizen B, Fox blutch, Max Maher, Mike Bane, Rican, shoi, Malbehk, Exaulted druid, JRC, Homer J simpson, Rolo (for keeping things interesting 😛) Mirek, Chochi, The DAL, The Crimson Cannucks, and anyone who i have probably missed. You guys are some of the greatest people this game has every seen and i feel lucky to have worked with you, against you, or even just knowing you.

I shall remain an eCanadian patriot, and i shall forever Bleed Crimson.

And so my time on this game has come to an end. Adieu, Adieu.... Adieu

-T.E. Lwrence, Dierios, WolfGang III
