A Series of Undesirable Situations

Day 2,296, 22:23 Published in Canada Spain by The Forest Ranger

So after a long hiatus I am back. I left this game when we were stuggling agaisnt PEACE (aka ancient history) . And, as the song goes, times they are a changin'. It would appear that not only are almost all my friends are dead but so are some of my greatest heroes, both here and IRL.

But I have decided to come back, even though as many say the game is broken (which it may very well be) but I have some hope for days to come.

Introductions are best left short, so I'll leave it at that. But I will try to write more often despite my lack of knowledge at the current political going-ons. I am simply here to fight for the best interests of eCanada.

That is all good citizens

-The Forest Ranger
So it goes.