A Country Without their Original Capital is like a...?

Day 1,331, 05:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Citizen 4945322

This article will look at which countries have lost their original capital cities and states, and which have currently been wiped of the map all together.

Moscow/Moscow and Central Russia/Russia

Serbia are currently in control of Russia's capital. Russia were recently destroyed in many places by the Serbs, although two pockets in Far East Russia and a stretch of land next to the Black Sea still exist. Volga was named as the new capital state.

In Soviet Russia, the Kremlin visits you.


Again, Serbia stretched into the Chinese former capital yesterday, and are currently attempting to claim other counties in Chinese land. The capital status was given to the province of Hubei, which is safe from attack for now...? You heard it hear first, folks!

Rumours persist of a Giant Bird and its nest terrorising Beijing.

Washington D.C./District of Columbia/USA

This time it is the Spaniards who have taken this major capital, and now have about a third of American soil. Just thank God they don't have America's new capital California, or every major Hollywood Blockbuster would star Antonio Banderas. Rumours have appeared that the Americans have appointed Jack Nicholson as President after he nearly beat the darned Martians in Mars Attacks.

American Independence Day takes a turn for the worse when Spain invades.


During World War I, Italy had the dream of landing on the opposite side of the Adriatic Sea in the Slavic countries. Now, Macedonia have done the reverse of that, crossing in the opposite direction and taking the West Side of Italy. Italy has been wiped off the map completely, and the Macedonians share the land with the Serbs and the Slovenians, whilst Corsica is owned by the Hungarians.

Italy's fighting is worse than their diving.

More coming soon...