[TCO]Crimson Congress Winners, NCAP Stuff, Hotties at the Beach

Day 1,559, 22:30 Published in Canada Canada by crisfire

The Crimson Order political party is proud to present its second Congress team


Current Party President Mirek brings home the gold again this month with a successful Congress win. Mirek brings a variety of special talents to the Congressional table such as a knack for soap whittling and a strong desire to clench his buttocks when ever pretty ladies walk by. This is Mireks 14th win and he has vowed it will be his last unless Congress solves the problems surrounding immigration, vote selling and the high cost of gold.


Crisfire has become an iconic figure known throughout the world, particularly among the Chinese, as he portrayed Chinese nationalism in his films. He initially trained in Wing Chun, but he later rejected well-defined martial art styles, favouring instead to use techniques from various sources in the spirit of his personal martial arts philosophy, which he dubbed Jeet Kune Do (The Way of the Intercepting Fist).

-Exalted Druid

Exalted Druid is very secretive and appears only when needed. He is never completely honest, telling many white lies or half-truths, and informs others with information only if it includes possible risks, if the information is crucial to the task at hand or if the situation calls for it. Exalted Druid considerably lengthened his lifespan through a form of suspended animation called the "Druid Sleep".

-Robin Sparkles Scherbatsky

While this is a first win for Robin it has to be said that if she keeps playing this game and wins another time, it won’t be her last. After winning her seat handedly she is quoted as saying “let them eat cake”


A long time crowd favorite and known as the guy with the most Open Door Congress post’s for those not counting, Dierios has made it abundantly clear that he is out to take names this month. Known for his quick jabs of insight that leave many wondering exactly what he meant, Dierios is an agile athlete and acrobat, using his bullwhip as a gymnastic accoutrement to swing through gaps between city roofs, and is very capable of landing from great heights and taking a fall. Although he is a master swordsman and marksman he has more than once demonstrated his prowess in unarmed combat against multiple opponents.


Uncorporated squeezes by the competition to win his seat by the skin of his teeth. In what can only be described as a nail biter, Uncorporated has seriously bit his nails right to its bed, its gross, it looks like he has penis’s for fingers.


Muglack is portrayed as a fanatical leader, who rules with an iron fist, and demands total loyalty and allegiance. His objective is total control of the world's people, wealth and resources, brought about by revolution and chaos. He is suspected of having led uprisings in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, and for kidnapping scientists, businessmen and military leaders, forcing them to reveal their top level secrets. Muglack is considered to be a man without scruples, and given his level of evil and corruption, is probably the most dangerous man alive

Unfortunately we had a number of people unsuccessful in winning a seat mostly due to the EPIC tide of voters. My advice to you would be to join EPIC maybe 5-8 days prior to the next election, apply for a seat, hopefully win and then come back to TCO.

The New eCanadian Assistance Program continues to provide food, weapons, information and a great network of friends to start the game out for new eCanadians. Thanks to the members that keep on top of requests by donating what they can when they can, The Crimson Order political party has received 55 separate requests and have made 80 donations to meet those requests, good stuff!

A few people have either been donating what they can to new eCanadians or donating what they can to me to use for the program. In every TCO article these people and future donors will be listed as a note of thanks.

Acacia Mason
Decode Masala
Eric Last
SGT Rock

Party Founders are those that were among the first members and contributed 2 gold to its creation

Eric Last
C. Buzz
Jack DeMolay
Lion El'Jonson
Decode Masala
Arthur Ward