[SFP]The Election against unDivided Scripture or Divided for Diversity

Day 3,098, 18:04 Published in USA USA by Customs of Dahomey
Editor's Note: Make no mistake about tomorrow's Top Five Party President election cycle, while there are five winners, it is but One unDivided sCript. I will quickly give you, my readers and potential supporters, the unDivided sCripture as constructed and perpetrated upon us by US (the unDivided sCripturess).
first step; perpetrate con on constitution
notice name at top
notice the rank
who is he backing? the winner you think *wink* *wink*

I actually like the person behind Gnil, though we have always ended up on opposite sides of the divide
unDivided sCriptured Top Five News

The Oblige Show, he has almost swiped enough to have carte blanc

consider joining the Socialist Freedom Party while it brings you
three of five Party President candidates from the STP's official media outlet

do not fall for unDivided sCripturing, you won't like the after taste
unQuestioned Section

What has listed, but unquestioned about motives, congressplayer Major Trite accomplished this month beyond declaring his candidacy?
Launched a successful funding drive for the eUS forums

submitted an amendment to the con Gnil wails about
worked for a lifting of the ban on the listed
suggested communication co-operatives within the SFP

tomorrow's Party President elections of the Top Five is a choice between the questionable plumbing of the unDivided sCriptureen
Divided for Diversity

and for your consideration, the Socialist Freedom Party offers Major Trite for Party President.