[MWC]-Advanced Shield Mechanics

Day 2,149, 17:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

[MWC]-Advanced Shield Mechanics

This article is for people who already know everything in this article by cheetah http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/guide-to-the-defence-shield-2327376/1/20
If you don’t know all of this then just don’t bother reading and scroll down for bonus pics

Now today I was able to calculate reasonably accurately how much shield Norway would lose for future readers

eUK attacked Norway with 1 region and 10 bil shield
eUK drained almost 5.7 billion from this shield

This came as a surprise to a lot of people and therefore I felt the need to make this article

To make my prediction I had to know 2 things

1. How to calculate fairly accurately how much damage has been done in a round (this was also useful for the EPIC warfare competition when it was handy to know when a round was close to 3 billion)

2. Exactly how damage is taken off shields

I shall explain both

1. Calculating how much damage has been done

full sized version http://i.imgur.com/kgmAexF.png

and just to double check this
shield +eUK= 81,079,531
ireland = 27,798,624
total damage =108,878,155
irish percentage =25.53%
actual Irish percentage shown 25.41%
So the method is reasonably accurate and is even better if you can measure the pixels better than I did

2. right in the case of Norway they had 1.4 billion shield damage in div 4 per round
now lets say eUK do 1.4 billion damage and Norway do 100 billion damage
that shield is gone there’s absolutely nothing Norway could do as the shield takes the damage first

as it goes eUK div 4 and allies did about 700-705 mil per round (averaged out)
also div1,2,3 knocked some off too it didn’t matter what Norway did that shield took the damage

tiny detail
ok so just to make this clear just in case
In the next battle (on their soil) Norway will have about 600 million in shield bonus per round if eUK were to do 1 bill one round and then 400 mil next round then from the second round 200 mil would be left the damage would not carry over from the first round.

further evidence.
the day 2,093 update

Bonus pic

Tic tac vote that 😁😁
Big mouth shout that Love you long time sub that >>>>>>
By the POWER of greyskull comment that \/\/\/\/