【信息部】今次訊息 D1769 各聯盟介紹譯文

Day 1,769, 01:37 Published in China China by eChina News.cn

首先,不知道信息部长发了这文章。 原本是要在外交部报纸发的,原文是由外交部长 (kalimero00) 花了三天收集资料而写的。 但是信息部在这发了文章就不搬移了。在此感谢外交部长和信息部长。这篇文章是根据大家在我的报纸说要一个简约的联盟介绍而写。

Thanks to both our Minister of Foreign Affairs (for writing the article) and Minister of Information (for translating).



Dear citizens of eChina,

in this article we’re going to give you basic info about active eRepublik alliances and infromal groups. If you would like to know more about defunct alliances from the past of eRepublik, please visit eRepublik Wiki.
在这篇文章中,我们会介绍几个活跃的e世界联盟的基本资料。如果你想知道多一点关于这些联盟的数据,请自行上erep wiki查找。

Alliances are formal groups of friendly countries joined together to offer each other military protection. Ingame Mutual Protection Pact option (MPP), a law enacted by Congress, is supported by the team of leaders and organisers, formed for coordination and military planning via IRC communication services.

At this point, eRepublik military alliences situation is quite complicated. eWorld was bipolar for a long time. Countries were divided by the loyalty to two biggest alliances/group of alliances: TEDEN and ONE. But, during last month some things changed...
在这一点来看,e世界的军事同盟情况是相当复杂。e世界在长时间被分成两个极端,不同的国家对两个最大的联盟效忠︰TEDEN 和 ONE。不过,在上一个月,有些东西已经不同了。。。

Active alliances

EDEN (Erepublik Defense & Economic Network)

EDEN is the oldest active eRepublik alliance. It was formed in September 2009 by: Croatia, Finland, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain and Sweden. On this day, members of EDEN alliance are: Croatia, Norway, Romania, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Italy, Ireland, Ukraine, Israel, Belarus, Portugal, Albania, Turkey, Netherlands, ROC (Taiwan) and Argentina (ordered by joining time, with notice that BiH left alliance in July 2011 and rejoined in September 2012).
EDEN是e世界里拥有最长历史的活跃联盟。 这个联盟于2009年9月,由克罗地亚,芬兰,挪威,波兰,罗马尼亚,西班牙及瑞典成立。 而现在,这个联盟的成员有克罗地亚,挪威,罗马尼亚,希腊,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那,中国,意大利,爱尔兰,乌克兰,以色列,白俄罗斯,葡萄牙,阿尔巴尼亚,土耳其,荷兰,中华民国以及阿根廷。(另外,波黑曾经于2011年7月离开EDEN,及后于2012年9月重新加入。)

EDEN is known as “The Brotherhood” and its popularly accepted as the successor to ex ATLANTIS alliance. It is necessary to mention GEA (Garden of EDEN Alliance) as trial version of EDEN alliance, currently consisting of only one country, India. Affiliated non-members of EDEN are: Australia, Iran, Singapore, S. Africa, Uruguay, Finland and Colombia.
EDEN被认为是'兄弟会',而且因旧ATLANTIS联盟而被广泛接受。另外,EDEN旗下有一个试验用联盟 - GEA(Garden of EDEN Alliance),而现在只剩下印度作为这个试验用联盟的唯一成员。而附属于EDEN但又不是成员国的国家有︰澳洲,伊朗,新加坡,南非,乌拉圭,芬兰及哥伦比亚。


Sketches from the history

Originally, EDEN did not have an official charter nor any treaties establishing the alliance. This was due to their belief that treaties "are a formality" and their goal is to "do things properly" which included dissociating themselves with governments. However, after a joint EDEN/Fortis victory in the invasion of North America, an official treaty was drawn up creating the alliance. Treaty of EDEN was signed during the late September 2009.
原本,EDEN在联盟建立时没有任何正式的宪章及条约。这是因为他们相信这些条约是'正式性',而他们的目的是'做好每一件事',这包括把他们和政府分成两个不同的个体。但是,当EDEN/Fortis 成功侵入北美之后,他们正式草拟一份条约。而EDEN条约于2009年9月签署。

After Sweden attacked Germany, ATLANTIS dissolved. EDEN was one of two post-ATLANTIS anti-PEACE alliances, the other being Fortis. However, Fortis never materialized as the proposed members became complacent with the negotiations. Eventually most of the Fortis nations joined EDEN as members. However, even before this the nations were united in an effort to concentrate their efforts and establish one major anti-PEACE alliance which became the model for EDEN as it exists currently.



Current Headquarters of EDEN is lead by Supreme commander (SC) Justino Figueiredo from Portugal; Military Organizers: diuras (Romania) and Ronisu (Ireland); Military Commander: Oles Kurvichak (Ukraine); EMC Commander (EDEN Mobile Corps): turturica (Romania); PR Organizer: Olivaneksa (Croatia) and Economy Organizer: Rapaz_avr (Portugal).
Alliance official newspapers: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-voice-of-eden-202142/1
现在EDEN的总部由最高指挥官(SC) - 葡萄牙的Justino Figueiredo领导;军事指挥官︰乌克兰的Oles Kurvichak;EDEN移动部动(EMC)指挥官︰罗马尼亚的turturica;公关部长︰克罗地亚的Olivaneksa和经济部长︰葡萄牙的Rapaz_avr 。

Terra (ex PANAM)

Alliance was created in December 2010 as PANAM (Pan American Alliance), named as a result of the membership of principle countries Brazil, the USA, and Argentina. On March 20, 2011 the PANAM alliance was officially renamed to Terra, with officials citing a desire to move past its American roots. To this end, Terra decided to pursue friendship and cooperation with EDEN in order to combat the growing ONE threat.

Sketches from the history

Brazil and the USA were the first to solidify the alliance with the signing of a Mutual Protection Pact, which shortly thereafter was cemented by the joining of Argentina. Japan was the first nation outside of the Americas to join PANAM in January 2011. Later in the month, Canada also become a member. France, the first European country to enter the alliance, did so in the first week of February. Turkey, Russia and United Kingdom became members in February 2011.

Turkey's stance within the alliance also caused confusion due to the nature of that country's various MPP status and its ongoing conflicts with some European states that had long-standing relationships with other PANAM powers. As a result, Turkey left PANAM in March 2011. Later in March, Germany joined Terra after being declared a natural enemy by Poland. At the end of March, Portugal became a member of Terra.

In April the UK would withdraw from the alliance, because of what was alleged as subordinate status to EDEN. In particular the UK had become embroiled in the internal politics of Ireland, an EDEN member, and had expressed a desire to invade or to politically takeover the neighboring country. In June, Chile became an official member of Terra.

During June 2011 Argentina and Portugal withdrew, claiming insufficient support from Terra HQ.

During July 2011, Brazil passes a motion in the alliance to eject Japan from the alliance. This comes after Japan lets Hungary through to attack China, in response to Chinese (EDEN nation) invasion of Japan. It is noted that during the initial Chinese invasion and afterwards, Japan did not have much Terra support, and thus began signing MPP's with non-Terra nations such as Turkey, and the UK.

Then during July 2011, Cyprus became a member of Terra.

Chile was expelled from Terra on 16th March 2012 because of difficulties in relations to Argentina and the Terra HQ. Brazil one of the strongest nations in all of Terra left in late June due to a diverse range of factors. During July 2012 USA left Terra after singing a charter for joing a new alliance with Brazil, Poland and Spain (CTRL). On the 5th September 2012, France left Terra.

Last members of Terra alliance (alphabetical) are: Canada, Columbia, Cyprus, Germany and Russia.
Official newspapers: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-terra-times-253620/1

Terra is currently inactive as an alliance, even they’ve never formally announced dissolving.

CoT (The Circle of Trust)

Circle of Trust was founded after Bulgaria and Chile left their former alliances. Bulgaria left EDEN in March 2012, while Chile was expelled from Terra on the same month.

CoT member countries are: Bulgaria, Chile, Japan, Moldova, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, South Korea, Switzerland. Mexico and Belgium also shown appetence to this alliance.

The Alliance leadership has a mandate of 1 month approximately. Leaders currently are as follows - Supreme Commanders: Velchev from Bulgaria and sgtchewy from Switzerland; Military Commander: Greatmoff from Japan and Bank Governor: NikolayMIlev from Bulgaria.
Alliance newspapers: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-voice-of-cot-276856/1

ABC (The Alliance of Baltic Countries)

ABC is a regional military alliance consisting of 3 members - Baltic countries who border each other: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

The Alliance was created in March 2011 with goals to pursuit common foreign policy, military cooperation and economy integration.

Alliance leaders are 3 current county presidents, working together as Co-Secretary Generals.

ex ONE (Order of New Eworld, formerly known as NWO)

The core of the ONE (known as NWO that time) was formed after Serbia and Hungary left Phoenix alliance in late 2010. Alliance come together as an agreement between the countries of Hungary, Poland, Serbia and Spain. The original four member-states all have significant population sizes, military power and active population which facts were the primary reasons, that in the early days of its formation, an alliance of four nations was capable of opposing alliances consisting of more nations. Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and Sweden also joined in the weeks following the initial founding of the alliance. Alliance was officially formed in February 2011.

Sketches from the history

ONE first began to form in Poland and Hungary, both nations seeking to establish what it viewed as a "new world order", together focusing upon military action against nearby EDEN-state, Romania. The first significant formal political alliance would come with the signing of the Polish-Hungarian Pact.
ONE最被由波兰以及匈牙利组成,两个国家都寻求建立起一个'新世界的指示',还有特别关注一个邻近的EDEN国家 - 罗马尼亚的军事力量。而波兰与匈牙利协议的签署是第一舍显著的正式政治联盟

The first military engagement of ONE came in the battle for Central Hungary in February of 2011. Upon the conclusion of this engagement, ONE felt more confident in its alliance-stack as its forces successfully pushed Romania away from the center of the Hungarian army.
ONE的第一个军事决战是2011年2月的Central Hungary战役。总括而言,ONE有较出式的联盟协调,因为他们成功把罗马尼亚赶出Central Hungary。

In the following weeks Serbia would begin to take a more prominent position in the alliance's engagements, planning more actions focused upon EDEN nations within the Serbian area of influence. Shortly thereafter ONE would initiate a series of offensive wars beginning in March of 2011 which would eventually evolve into World War V.

Initially ONE made devastating headway into both EDEN and Terra regions, including the conquering of Romania, Croatia, Italy, Bulgaria, France, and Portugal. ONE even attempted to expand into the USA and Brazil. After EDEN and Terra began to cooperate more closely to counter the offensive, ONE began to suffer a number of significant defeats. After attempting to conquer Brazil, ONE forces was removed from South America, as well as lose its territories in North America. The final result of EDEN offensive was, was the fall of Belgrade in April 2011.

United Kingdom, Iran and Slovenia also joined ONE in 2011. In April 2012 Iran declared to leave ONE. In July 2012 Spain declared to leave ONE. In August 2012 Poland and Hungary declared to leave ONE.

In August 2012 ONE was dissolved. An agreement was later struck between most former member nations to keep working together in the interim period and was called the "Fellowship".

Former member countries was: Hungary, Indonesia, Iran, Poland, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.

Alliance newspapers: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/o-n-e--240086/1

Asgard (Nordic Alliance)
The goal of the alliance is to bring together the Scandinavian countries, and to fight in their own backyards - no longer just in Balkan states. Planed alliance members are: Finland, Sweden and Norway and “testing” phase of new alliance started by signing MPPs between these three nordic countries. The alliance should start as a neutral alliance. Leadership should consist of country presidents or they representatives.
这个联盟的目的是联合斯堪地纳维亚一众国家,和为了他们的后花园 - 并不只是指巴尔干,共同努力。计划联盟成员有︰芬兰,瑞典以及挪威。而这个新联盟的测试阶段于这三个北欧国家签署MPP后正式开始。这个联盟为中立联盟。领导人是成员国的总统又或是代表。

Finland left former alliance EDEN in August 2012, while Sweden’s ONE alliance dissolved at same month. Norwegian people are still reluctant of leaving EDEN. It's possible that the alliance will accept members outside nordic countries.

Informal groups


CTRL is idea of the super alliance between USA, Poland, Spain, and Brazil. Main goals are supposed to be to combine forces of four big eRepublik countries to secure 100 % resources and to stay away from Balkan wars.

The most likely reasons why the alliance has not yet been created are he pressure of EDEN alliance on their old friends USA and Brazil, the US PTO problems, Brazilian MUs loyal to Croatia, Argentina and other friendly nations from EDEN and the most of all, reluctance of Poland and Spain to give up their Balkan allies Serbia and Hungary.
而这个联盟还没正式成立的原因,是由于EDEN向他们的老朋友 - 美国以及巴西施压,指美国的PTOers以及巴西的军事组织效忠于克罗地亚,阿根廷及其它EDEN的国家。还有就是波兰和西班牙不愿放弃他们的巴尔干盟友 - 塞尔维亚以及匈牙利。

外交部长 (原文)



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