[CPF] CP Primary Results November

Day 2,174, 17:51 Published in Canada Poland by TheSmoke
This one is for Tom Joad,

Well maybe it was the offer of free candy, unlimited free calling, or free-falling bombs, but this Primary was a dousie! The polls were open for more than 36 hours, and our members have selected Oinyo as the Candidate to support.

The results are as follows:

DMV3 of CPP ( 7 ) - 29%
Oinyo of CW ( 8 ) - 33%
Rylde of MDP ( 7 ) - 29%
Abstain ( 2 ) - 8%

As we can see, the results are very close, and quite hard to call, but Oinyo received the most votes. I have taken several notes from this primary, I make mistakes and try to learn from them. People may ask why I am making these admissions public, well I want to be transparent and demonstrate I want to improve the party for everyone.

1. Using an Instant Run Off vote system or Ranked system. It has been used in the past, however recent primaries did not require such a system. So if I shall remain PP, I will return to this system.

2. The option to abstain. People will say that those two votes could have changed the election, and that is true, it's also true that if two more people from the party participated, the election could yet be different. The option to abstain is a check for the party. By not having the option, people will not participate, a sort of do it this way or don't bother us at all. If a larger group of people decided to abstain, we would have to reconsider the approach we are currently taking.

3. I have been criticized by some members for my position as MoF in Oinyo's cabinet, and position of VP in DMV's. Rylde also offered me the position of VP if I were to withdraw from the other two's. First off if you're not getting criticized for something, probably means your not doing anything in the first place. I agreed to work with both potential CP's, and would have accepted Rylde's had there not been the withdraw clause, why? Because I am here to work for Canada, and our people, not for a "friend". I believe most people in the party can agree that I did not try to sway any of our members to vote for my guy because I said so, or abuse my position of power.

Well that is my summary of this so far exciting election, I hope this information is helpful to a few, and to the rest of ya, well bugger off!.

