WHPR #154: Inactivity is Death.

Day 1,033, 17:09 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Official White House Press Release #154:
~ 18 September 2010, Day 1,033 of the New World

Citizens of Amerika,

Would you like some opening remarks?
~ Just a little something to put you in the right mood. ^_~

We're currently riding out a slow current. Since our incumbent President took office, our nation has achieved some rather excellent military success. In fact, one particular region was so nice we took it twice... our glorious imperial colony of Far Western Alaska. So, is this the time to sit back and lose interest? Of course not. That's exactly how some empires have been lost. Let's avoid this fate. Let's look ahead. Let's take action. This is the time to stand ready for the next wave. This is the time to take stock of our deficiencies and correct them. This is the time to close ranks and stand together as a nation. This peace is dangerous if we are idle. We must train in peace to stand ready for war.

1. National Training War
2. Congress Elections
3. Military Participation
4. Incremental Actions

National Training War

President Krems: Training For War

We need every citizen to increase military rank and skill. Many folks discount the necessity for regular conflict in v2, due to the lack of experience points for battle. This is a limited point of view. Daily gold training boosters are a luxury. What's the solution? National training battles. The Chinese have recently had incredible success here, helping their citizens increase in military rank and skill. Very soon, we are doing the same. With multiple hospital placements, citizens are able to fight practically every turn. Please fight as much as you can, to prepare for real conflict.

Simple Instructions:
1. Find the Qinghai Resistance War once it opens.
~ Fight anytime from 1900 Sunday (Day 1,034) through 1800 Monday (Day 1,035).
~ This is in eRepublik time (PST).
2. Deploy immediately to the Hospital for your chosen side.
~ Hospitals on 12,16 and 13,18 - Resistance (Red).
~ Hospitals on 14,15 and 15,17 - Occupation (Blue).
~ Please join whichever side has lower numbers.
~ Engage the opposition directly and repeatedly.
3. Once the clock hits 1800, get ready to help close the battle.
~ Resistance (Red) - Retreat from the field at 1800, join again as Occupation (Blue).
~ Occupation (Blue) - Paint tiles or secure the capital, so we can secure the region.

Congress Elections

Speaker of the House ligtreb: Great work, but it's not over

We need every citizen to volunteer as a blocker for this election. Wouldn't that mean we have too many volunteers? Yes. So why volunteer? Because every month we prove we still suck at this. We have some extremely talented people working on this constantly. We have lots of regular volunteers. We also have 10,450 citizens. Despite all this, we still have quite a hard time getting enough of them to fill all the open positions. Political warfare is similar to military warfare, with the same opportunities for victory or defeat as a result of numbers and organization. In many cases, we face determined and patient enemies. We need to play a strong defense. We need your help to secure our elections.

Simple Instructions:
1. Join whichever one of the top five parties is lowest in the rankings.
~ You are not obligated to vote for this party, just to build their numbers for national defense.
2. Reach out to one of the top five parties to volunteer as a blocker on election day.
~ Make sure you have positive contact with the Party President you support.
~ United States Workers Party
~ Federalist Party
~ United Independents Party
~ S.E.E.S.
~ Amer. Defense and Trade Party
3. Once you are on orders, move to the right region and run for congress.
~ The deadline for candidacy is Thursday, 23 Septermber 2010, Day 1,038.
~ Use an avatar picture identifying yourself as a blocker.
~ Use a presentation link identifying yourself as a blocker.

Military Participation

We are all of us together stronger than any of us apart. When I enter battle alone, I generally manage to run through about 50-60 fights, with a win/loss record sometimes roughly even, sometimes marginally positive, but mostly pretty negative. Considering that my military skills are 7/11/8/8, that I use a combat booster every turn, that I only use q5 weapons, that I use all 100 wellness packs, that I use all 300 wellness from food, etc, this is fairly pathetic. When I deploy in support of a militia or mass attack, there are less fights, but my win/loss record goes up to over 90% wins, and I can see actual tactical gains on the map. The lesson here is pretty clear. Together we can accomplish objectives that none of us can accomplish separately. Unity breeds strength.

Simple Instructions:
1. If you want to participate as a formal member of the national team, then join the military.
~ Training Corps
~ National Guard
~ Mobile Infantry
~ Army
~ Cavalry
~ Airborne
~ Marines
2. If you want to participate in a small unit outside of government oversight, then join a militia.
~ Seal Team 6
~ S.E.E.S. Super Soldiers
~ USWP Workers Militia
~ UIP Militia
3. If you absolutely must fight alone, please follow Department of Defense Orders.
~ Just find them in the daily national media, published in this newspaper.

Incremental Actions

Alone we are nothing, together we are everything. There are many actions which take little time, but which have large impacts when many people all participate. There are many roles which are undertaken out of sight, which are essential to the smooth operation of our government. There are many ways for every citizen to lend a hand, aside from the obvious big-ticket items. We mobilize our citizenry. We must coordinate our efforts. We must stand together. Sheer force of numbers shall carry us to victory.

Simple Instructions:
1. Do you want to participate in our government?
~ Government Job Interest Notification
2. Do you want to help promote important national media?
~ The Pony Express, Express Delivery
3. Do you want to help us defend our colonies without any real effort?
~ Ask for a free ticket
~ Move to Far Western Alaska
4. Do you want to join the community?
~ Join us on the national forum.
~ Find us in #usa-chat on Rizon IRC.

How do we build a powerful nation? We build the state. The state itself is the font of our national power. All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.
~ This is a quote, of course.

Cheers. 🙂 😉 😉 😃 😎

Max McFarland 2
Advisor, eUSA

We are Dio. You are Dio. I am Dio.
May the love of Dio be with you, forever.