The Mole - Semifinals

Day 2,421, 12:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ser Fartsalot

Hello players,

Congratulations for reaching the Semifinals! There's only six of you left and next week we'll find out who is the winner!

Since you were pretty unsuccessful so far at creating teams and naming them, the Mole decided to this for you. It created two teams of three that will be competing in this week's task:

Boys Team: DMV3, fm2008 and N W G

Girls Team:, MarkTD and Michael Ludgate

It is well known you're dealing with a conniving trickster who left many victims behind, including some pretty famous women. Your task this week is to identify these women by correctly saying the month they were born in.

Both teams will receive a group message with the same photos of nine Mole's female victims. For each correct answer you will earn 300GBP. This means that if both teams get all answers right, they can earn a total of 5400GBP!

To make things easier for you, each team will be able to ask 6 questions. You can ask 3 times, which country is the victim from, and 3 times what is victim's occupation. For each asked question, the Mole will earn 150GBP.

However, there is an additional thing... The first team to get most correct answers will receive a bonus point in the upcoming, last elimination test.

So... Will you all work together or will you play for those bonus points?

Good luck,

Game Host

P.S.: In case you were wondering how's only six of you left, it's because three were disqualified from the game and will not receive any money in the end.

EDIT (results):

The victims names were:

1. Claire Tully
2. Michelle Heaton
3. Beate Marie Eriksen
4. Lya Lys
5. Alice Krige
6. Natalia Kostrzewa
7. Janet Suzman
8. Soile Isokoski
9. Anna Geislerová