The Day the Music Died

Day 1,672, 18:53 Published in USA USA by Bia Pandora

Hi Friends,

There comes a time for all of us when we log in...and the music has died.

I don't think it's much of a secret that it has been difficult at best, for me to find much entertainment value in this game for awhile now.

The sunshine and stars that exist here for me anymore are the players themselves. I just do not feel like the players themselves matter anymore to the game. Honestly, I know we don't.

I have so much to do in my life daily now, I'm super stressed, and honestly I cannot relax here anymore. There is always some silly crap perpetuated by some hateful child, or another. It's tiring, and I just can't allow that negativity in my life's too much. It is overpowering anything good left in this game.

I had this giant rage quit article written, complete with screenshots, and was actually going to host it somewhere so that it could be viewed by all without worrying about "moderators" removing it. But then I realized that going out like that would go against everything that I stood for in this game.

Do NOT think for a minute that I don't want to twist some nuts on my way out, just thank your eGods that I am choosing the high road. You know who you are.

I think back to how much time I've spent here, and the people I have known. I feel a bit silly that I am tearing up like a kid. Some of you....just wow. You have no idea how special you are. I see you, I've always seen you. Even in your despair, anger, boredom and loneliness you found a place in your time for me. Too often, we don't stop to realize how much it means to simply see another human being type a kind word, to see that someone so far away can care enough to ask you how your day has been. Never underestimate how wonderful you all are, you have guided me through some pretty rough moments in real life, where I didn't trust myself to people close by. You offered me friendship, comfort and compassion...and you have never even touched my face, or held my hand. You have meant more to me than you will ever know. You know who you are, and know that I adore you all.

Do something for me....take the time to let one other person on this game know that they are special somehow every day. It could make all the difference in the world to them. It did to me. Thank you!

I wish I had more to give away on my way out, I owe a little bit to a couple of people that left and thought of me, and now they are back and active, and what I have will go to them. Sorry that I cannot do more.

One last truth...I've seen alot of things and been around a bit, the eUS Military, or JCS Forces for those that would try to steal their honor, are the way to go if you want to meet some honest to goodness decent people.

Semper Fi, my friends < 3

****HUGS All Around! Be nice to each other!****