Newspaper of the Month(November 2013)

Day 2,209, 04:35 Published in Belgium Belgium by tommot
Newspaper of the Month(November 2013)

Yes the tittle says it...

Here i will highlight one of the newspapers that are to be commended for there work or at least for the effort they try to do.
I will give a short summary describing that paper and why this one was chosen.
And if possible(if the newspaper-owner agrees to it) i'll give a very...very short interview with its creator.

The newspaper is:

The Weekly Prophet
Owner/editor: NLSP
Most recent article: Snakes Used in eBe Military - Government Poisons eBelgian Food

The Weekly Prophet is a newspaper that very irregularly publish new articles. Most of them contain a lot of nonsense, but some of them are very informative or support the political views of its owner, NLSP.

Interview with newspaper owner/editor:

Question: Could you tell me why you started this newspaper?
Answer: A long, long, long time ago (Day 1102) I created this newspaper and made the first article. I was fresh member of the active eBelgian community and received enough trust to be elected as congress member. I thought at that time, it would be useful as a congress member to communicate regularly with my voters.

Question: How do you feel about the negative comments on your articles? Does it effect your articles you write after that?
Answer: It depends from who the comments are coming. There are certain people that attack everything I say or write, independently of the content. I don't let them influence me. If there are respectful comments with a legit concern, I look if I need to change something in the future. However, The Weekly Prophet is and stays The Weekly Prophet and the essence will not be changed.

Question: What are your future plans for your newspaper?
Answer: The Weekly Prophet has evolved a lot since it's creation. The main point is that I enjoy writing the articles and can express my thoughts in it. Therefore, there is a big chance that it will keep further evolving just like I as a player I'm evolving all the time. However, the beloved readers of The Weekly Prophet can definitely expect more articles in the future.

Question: Anything else you wish to share here? Last words, advice or promoting something...
Answer: Read articles and inform yourself. Express your own opinion at all times and call upon unacceptable behavior like misleading information, half-truths, complete lies, fake articles and more. The Media-module is a place with a lot of fun and you should all enjoy it!
Oh and don't forget to read tommot's excellent articles!

Here is you well earned badge:

Extra Notes:

► The results of the voting:
* NLSP's newspaper - number of votes: 9
* djole1122's newspaper - number of votes: 5
* Lorcema's newspaper - number of votes: 4
* Vincent Pain's newspaper - number of votes: 2

► Link to information on how this Newspaper was selecte😛 Info for newspaper of the Month series

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