Greeting my fellow Macedonians II

Day 1,828, 19:59 Published in North Macedonia Argentina by FitoEleven

Well this would be the second article that I'll be writting for my eCompatriots, were I introduce my city to you.. My lovely Buenos Aires.

If you haven't read yet my first article, its only a click away

Today's chapter: Culture of Buenos Aires

There is one fact that is almost unkown even for the people that live in my city. It is the importance of the tigers that used to live in the Buenos Aire's Zoo. They represent a very important cultural prominence, and this is because the became the influence of one of the greatest writters in world, Jorge Luis Borges.

In his work, the tigers got an outstanding place with a great simbolic magnitud where he describes the whole universe, and knowledge hidden in the tiger's stripes.

When Borges was little, he used to lived in a neighborhood call Palermo, this is where the Buenos Aires' Zoo is, and he claimed that he was able to see the tigers from the window in his room.

Buenos Aires Zoo entrance

Borges & Tiger

Another cool fact, and this one is pretty new, got to do with the Tango singer Carlos Gardel, who was perhaps the greatest singer that the music give to Tango.

He was amazed by Buenos Aires, he even wrote a Tango to the city call "Mi Buenos Aires querido" that means "My dear Buenos Aires"

The fact that im going to tell was the result of an important investigation... For ages, people from Argentina and Uruguay discuss were Gardel was born, because somehow there was no clear information about this. Both countrys 'fought' to claim Gardel's nationality...


After an investigation, about two months ago they discover the real nationality of Carlos Gardel... He was french!

He escape from Europe and thats why there was no birth act to certify if he was from Argentina or Uruguay...

Carlos Gardel

Here is the song Mi Buenos Aires Querido



Gift to the 11th comment! 😃

Fito 11