A man of his words...

Day 1,050, 01:55 Published in Denmark France by Totood The Second

Dear citizens of my kingdom, right should be right, and left should be just as right as right - if you know what I mean?

As some of you may remember, I announced a small competition when I was inaugurated.

I must say that the competition was a success - since I announced it as a small competition (but with a GRAND price) I didn't expect a lot of participators.
It turned out to be exactly that - a small competition. So that way, the format of the competition was a success.
However, I must distress that as the king, I had expected a bit more interest in a competition made with the sole purpose of underlining my own greatness and awesomeness.
Well, let that be written behind my ear (that phrase is so much cooler in Danish. Actually, most thing is)

Now, with only 1, and I repeat - 1 !!!!one!!11!1, participant, it wasn't really any competition, more a donation to a loyal citizen of my Kingdom..
Which I have nothing against, really. My wealth is generated purely by your wealth, since my salary - the appanage - is part of "Finansloven"...

Image: a glimpse of how bad I'm doing on the gold-accounts 🙁
Poor me

It's just, with the last days events, it's kinda odd to be paying the man behind mutiny and attempt of murder for his services for the country, don't you think??

Anyway, much can be said about me, the king of country, however I am a man of my words, and thus Tyren9 will have his reward donated the second I press "Publish" on this article.
Here's his contribution:

Now, with the constant amount of gold leaking from my accounts to murderers and mutineers, it is of great importance to me that I get a raise in my appanage..
Hurkancs have promised me that, so everybody who likes the King, please vote for Hurkancs today!!!
(Also, everybody who actually likes eDenmark and doesn't want it belonging to a bunch of no-brainers from eSerbia should really vote for Hurkancs - he's a nice guy, and has done tonnes of work to free eDenmark of it's parasites)


Kind Regards,
Stente - King of Denmark
(This message was approved by Barney Stinson - now, go suit up and help eDenmark become AWESOME)