[WTP] Road to Congress + interview with MrCarey

Day 2,502, 10:27 Published in USA USA by Peaspod

Please excuse any inaccuracies or mistakes you find. This was put together on rather short notice.

Right across the board, we're voting to decide who should occupy the sixty-one available seats in Congress. I think we can all agree that this is an event much looked forward to and it's very much hotly contested.

I had the pleasure of speaking to 'We The People' Party President, MrCarey, and being able to ask him a few questions.

We'll also be looking at the results of the elections, which I'm sure many of you have seen by now, but for those readers who have yet to take a proper look, I'm sure this will prove useful.

Before the voting began, I was able to ask MrCarey, the incumbent 'We The People' Party President, a few questions. I'm sure you'll find his answers interesting with an insight on what will go on in the coming month. Without further ado, here's what he said.

Peaspo😛 As the Party President, I'm sure the Congress elections is something quite special for you. How was it decided who'd receive the safe seats?

MrCarey: Congress elections are indeed special, they are also important. It is our opportunity to have a say in what goes on in the grand picture of the eUSA. Luckily for me, I don't have to make the difficult decision of who is worthy of the top seats, the rest of the party does that for me haha. In We The People, we gather the applicants and put them together in a primary election that starts 3 days before the in-game election and runs for 48 hours. The results of that primary decides who gets which spot on the final rankings for in-game voting.

Peaspo😛 What do you, personally, hope to achieve in Congress under the banner of 'We The People'?

MrCarey: Personally, I'd like to make sure the voice of my fellow party members is heard. If someone has a concern they'd like to bring to congress or discuss with me, I'm open to doing so if it is a reasonable and well thought topic. Also, I'd like to think that my activity within congress will remain constant as I take part in discussions within congress and vote on anything that comes up. I didn't miss any votes last term.

Peaspo😛 As the Party President, which do you judge to be the most important? Seats in Congress or the quality of debate that your Congressmen produce?

MrCarey: The classic Quantity vs Quality. Power in numbers is great, as that's what ends up swaying decisions when it comes to a vote. However, you need to also have the quality backing up those voices. If it's just a bunch of people, haphazardly throwing their input around without any thought, it's going to make the party look bad as a whole. So I think it's important to have that good balance of quality/quantity.

Peaspo😛 Describe yourself in one word.

MrCarey: Dedicated.

I decided to show you how the Congress elections have turned out. It will be brief, but hopefully it will provide enough information.

And the following 'We The People' candidates were voted in:

Who am I?

I'm actually an old player from the eUK returning to eRepublik. This time, I've chosen the eUS for a number of reasons. I won't go into too many details but what I can say is that I am really enjoying myself so far.

I'm currently the 'We The People' Media Department Deputy posting on behalf of the party.

I hope you enjoyed it.
