[WHPR Day 2390] A New Month

Day 2,390, 19:50 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

[WHPR Day 2390] A New Month

Dateline: Friday, June 6th, 2014 (Day 2390)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Today’s WHPR:
: 1: June Election Outcome
: 2: Executive Job Openings

Editors: Acting SecMed dmjohnston
Contributors: Tyler Bubblar

Greetings, eAmerica. The Secretary of the Media for this month, Alexander Auctoritas, suffered a personal loss recently and to do my part, I’m stepping in to help with the Media Office until he returns. We wish him the best in this difficult time. Tom and I will be keeping the podium warm.

June Election Results

In the closest election in recent memory, with record-setting media presence and campaign messaging from both sides, Molly Emma emerged the victor for her second consecutive term, edging out the challenger, John Largo, by a margin of 525-508.

The White House Press Office wishes to congratulate both candidates on well run campaigns and especially John Largo’s campaign office on putting up a strong challenge. Not since the pre-Unity election days have we all seen this much activity.

Molly’s whole team is excited about the month ahead and the Media office is excited to keep you informed as things develop.

Job Openings
Tyler Bubblar

Yesterday brought us a very close election. Many of the shouts I saw yesterday that advocated for Largo reflected a desire for changes and more involvement in the government by the citizens of the eUSA. The "ruling class" or "elites" are an exclusive club, it's said over and over again. In an online game what separates the "upper crust" from everyone else? It's not good looks or breeding: such things are irrelevant in eRepublik. It's not Party affiliation, as the balance of power between the parties shifts fairly often.

In my opinion what separates a person in eRepublik is work ethic. I will be the Chief of Staff for Molly Emma this month, and at present I'm focused on getting people to work in the various Departments of the Executive branch. Interior, Education, ambassadors, and Media need willing hands. Those who volunteer to serve and actually do so will be given opportunities to serve in increasingly prestigious positions.

Education is a prime example of this. Cholan has been an exemplary Secretary of Education these past few months , and has stepped down. Had he had a Deputy working under him that person likely would have been the pick to replace him. However, he largely did the work of his department alone. So Delyruin, who has worked reliably under Interior was asked to step into the Secretary position.

Media is a Department that is constantly searching for help. Deputies and contributors who will reliably do their duties are worth their weight in gold. Their hard work and dedication are noticed and appreciated. In the last year we have had more Secretaries of Media burnout than any other position because finding said reliability has become increasingly difficult. Citizens cry out for information from the executive and an opportunity to be a part of things.

While criticism of the Executive, Top Parties, and Congress are well within everyone's rights to do so it's far more productive to put your shoulder to the wheel and help push things along. If you crave change in this nation there's a simple way to achieve it: get involved, ask for a position in the executive and do it. In today's rapidly diminishing game we're constantly looking for and advancing new blood willing to work. There's a jobs link towards the bottom of this article. Please click it and fill it out. Or send me a Private Message. Your work will be noticed, appreciated, and rewarded.

For Greeling:

Your Acting SecMed; dmjohnston
"The only good ideas are ones I can take credit for."

Contributors: Tyler Bubblar

WHPR Day 2390
Election Results and Job Openings

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