[Serf4FP] I Am Your Waking Dream

2,599 jour, 12:20 Published in United Kingdom Royaume-Uni de Ser Fartsalot

Hello everyone,

It is officially on!

In the last article you read why you should definitely vote for me as hating me keeps you logging in every day. Now that I finally got one party to support me, I'll tell you what's the plan if you vote me in.

Foreign Affairs and Defence

One of the reasons I'm running is because of the very difficult situation the UK is in. The last thing we'd need right now is being inconsistent in regards to our friends, allies and others. Especially now, before new alliances are on the horizon, we must not rush into any agreements, existing alliances, or even worse create a new weak alliance... And who is a better pick than someone who chats daily to key Country Presidents and government officials and knows most of the players who will become the future CPs?

This government has worked hard to increase our reputation not just among our friends but also our enemies. This quote from former SG of Asteria shows our main achievement:

The goal remains the same. The UK must continue being neutral in regards to alliances while defending its interests and countries we have MPP with. If anyone attacks us and our allies in our vicinity we need to keep our "stray cat" military doctrine. Everyone better know how cray cray we really are and that trying to attack us will lead to big costs for them! We may be small and in the 's*it tier' category but we will stop at nothing to harm those who step into our backyard.

If you, dear UKers, decide to go the other direction at this point and vote for the guy who under Suezo's interim government tried to get us into LETO and give our oil region to our enemy for free, our allies will end up not trusting us anymore and we'll be the last place in whatever dying alliance we join. That will in turn make us unappealing for any future alliance applications. So be very careful and know that reputation is not something you can build in few days. Once you lose it, you're at the bottom for a long time.

Both MoD and MoFA team will need to work closely together. The first week I'll spend with the new MoD team showing them what I do with CO and then leave them with some funds. For now I have CptChazbeard and Brick in mind for MoD. Both are experienced in MoD and members of the two biggest Military Units, as well as people who I could trust with the money.

As for the MoFA, it has to have more than two people and they have to be reasonably active on chat. The key is to talk to as many people as possible and extract information, keeping us one step ahead. So far I've asked Bohemond and jamesw to fill in that role but I'd also like to see NWG in the team so we have a continuation of our policy.

Finance and Domestic Issues

MoF is an obvious and easy pick. It will be Huey George who has all organisation emails and can therefore easily reset all passwords if needed be. Taxes should remain at this level until we fill up our depleted treasury. I also had one more thing in mind... London needs to become what it is in RL as well, the capitol of:

What this means is that we could use our vast resources in unused organisations and either rent them to trusted groups in the eWorld or use them for money safe keeping and exchange. I will not go into the details but what I can promise is that our treasury will definitely get a lot more money than it is getting now through taxes.

As for MoE and other domestic things go, I'd include people from NHS as they have all articles and useful links that new players could use. Also, Internal Defense Bureau needs to be back and running for entertainment purposes and objective views on daily happenings!


That's it for this short manifesto and now I'd just like to address few concerns that my opponents are throwing around, one of them being that I will PTO UK. I can reassure all of you, my dear UKers, that the United Kingdom has already been taken over and the results are rather horrible:

1) TUP being taken from BigAnt and given back to its members;
2) Vendetta completely destroyed;
3) PTOers kicked out;
4) UK being ranked in Top 10 with 20 regions and 10 bonuses before the interim government;
5) Better reputation among our allies and enemies;
6) Increased media activity (remember articles with 5 votes in the top 5?);
7) Engaged community.

In the end, I'd like to tell you something in English with a Serbian accent:

Ju madafak*s ar sou ded, ju hev nou ajdia vot iz in stor for ju... muahahaha

Till the next time,

Ser Fartsalot