[MoFA] Get to know your neighbour - Part II

Day 1,700, 05:56 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

We have decided to take the initiative and make you more aware of the countries, surrounding us in the eWorld. It is important for all of us to know more about our neighbours, their history, present and future.

We hope you like it! Enjoy 🙂

Today's “guest” on the view is...

Original regions of Germany:

Baden-Wurttemberg , Bavaria, Brandenburg and Berlin, Hesse, Lower Saxony and Bremen, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, and Thuringia.

Germany has 5 resources from its original regions: Fish, Fruits, Cattle, Iron and Aluminum.

As a result of a treaty with Denmark, its current regions are: Hovedstaden, Midtjylland, Nordjylland, Sjaelland and Syddanmark.

Germany borders the original territories of Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Austria, Poland and Sweden.

Active citizens: 5189
The Deutsche Mark (DEM) is the unit of currency of Germany.

Current Government:

President: ilphen
Vice-President : Oblige
Minister of Foreign Affairs: BadMax / Kleiner Teufel / KTTRS
Minister of Defence :slayer10 / Freiheitskaempfer / reaktionaer
Minister of Finances: Stryk99
Minister of Interior: Termiron


Bad Party - 30 %
Open Mind Germany - 25 %
Liberal-Patriotische Partei - 20 %
Kommunistische Partei eD - 17 %
Die Steinmetze - 7 %


During its history, Germany was once part of the ATLANTIS (March 2009 - May 2009), PEACE (September 2009 - November 2009) as well as a founder member of Phoenix (December 2009 - February 2011). Moreover, Germany has taken part in World War II, IV and the ongoing V

Since March 2011, Germany is member of Terra.

Germany has signed Mutual Protection Pacts with Finland, Canada, Greece, Croatia, Portugal, Israel, Turkey, Belarus, Republic of China (Taiwan), USA, Romania, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Japan, Iran, India, Brazil, The Netherlands, Singapore, Colombia, China, Russia, Argentina, Australia, Italy, Ireland, France..

Military Units of Germany:

Our today’s guest is... KTTRS.
(Q=Question, A=Answer)

Q1: Tell us more about you - who are you ingame? What did you do throughout your eLife? Also, how did you learn about eRepublik and why did you start playing it?

A1: Well I am probably one of Germany's more known players. I'm the person in eGermany with the most times as MoFA and I've been CP of Germany 3 times. Other than that, I am leading my own MU and am active in German Party-Politics. I maybe should also mention that I like to troll/PTO idiotic parties (like the former "Die Germanen") and people in Germany 😉
I've learned about eRepublik on a well-known German imageboard, some people spammed infos about Germany getting wiped by Poland and I became interested.

Q2: By the time you registered, what was the situation in eGermany? (Political/Military/Social)

A2: When I registered we had one of the biggest wars ever. Poland was conquering Germany which made it a really exciting time. After we lost many people went into exile, mostly to eUK and Russia (I myself emigrated to Hello Kitty in Hungary😁). I still remember this article from Konrad after the war: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-president-message-to-all-egermans-1-1135613/1/20 - as you maybe notice the whole situation was very emotional and I think that time, was the best time for any German to start with eRepublik (it is interesting, that a lot of Germany's most active people started exactly at that point in time (Jan. 2010) with eRepublik😁)

Q3: How would you describe Germany with only word? What is the difference between now and the time you registered? What are the positive and negative changes?(If yes, what is it?/ If no, why?)

A3: #we_do.
Well back then war was a lot more exciting. There haven't been constant wars everyday and it also costed huge amount of money, which made it something very special. So one of the negative changes is definetely that wars are nothing special and basically for free and also that smaller, defending countries have no advantages when getting attack (when I started, an attack on a country activated ALL mpps for the defending country, so the attacker basically had to fight alone against several countries). Positve changes: I think there is no "big great change" in the game mechanic, but I have to say, that most of the current updates are a step in the right direction, especially the introduction of the Divisions into wars.

Q4: What was your best personal moment in eGermany so far? And your worst? Why?

A4: 4. Well there have been several really good moments, but I think 2 stand out. The first one was the great clash between Sweden and Poland which have been created mostly thanks to the treaty I did with Sweden. The approach between Germany and Sweden was something I advocated for months and it was great to see that something like that finally beared fruits.
The other very positive moment I recalled was the impeachment of DeathmanRSF who won the election against me. People actually tried to defend him, though he was not here for a whole week, getting
played by another German to push the buttons etc. It was just a giant releave to finally be CP and fix things, which leaded to my most active CP-term.
The most negative moment I hate to recall was the theft of our bank from Otto von Holunder. I actually advocated for him, was his Vice-CP and was sure that he'd run a good turm, when he suddenly stole our whole money, including all gold reserves. I was just shocked and I've literally felt sick from that move. It makes the whole relation with Otto very difficult, because though I actually like him personally, this action left a whole in my chest.

Q5: What were things you wanted to accomplish when registered in eRepublik? And now, looking into the past, did you fulfill your goals?

A5: 5. When I was asked about this a long time ago I answere😛 "My main goal is to get all medals sometime and to find more cool people". Well I've definetely found cool people, and I also more or less have all the meals now (except for the Top-Fighter thing, which didn't exist back then). So I fullfilled most of my goals, except maybe for my involvement in Alliance business, which was always something I somehow wanted, but often I just didn't have the time or motivation.

Q6: Seeing you have served 3 terms as president, which one do you value as best? What's your proudest achievement during your terms? And, in the end, which is the thing you wanted, but didn't achieve?

A6: 6. Well I think my first term was pretty awesome (though I was most of the time drunk in that term) but yeah, the 2nd term right after Deathmans Impeach was even better basically I wrote a huge article every 2 days informing our people etc.
I already mentioned the thing with Sweden on which I still think as my greatest achievement, because it would have nearly brought them out of ONE.
Well I always wanted some kind of Central-European Alliance, mainly because most of the countries I love could have been in that alliance, ofc. that Alliance never really happened (but imo Terra with UK and France, came close to that idea).
I also always wanted closer ties with Sweden, which kinda worked out, but right now it's more difficult again with them having war with Russia (one of our undoubtedly best allies).
Last but not least, I would love to have our Danish Citizens more actively involved in Germany, but that's something quite difficult, which should still be improved 😁

Q7: What is your personal opinion of eBelgium? Do you know any eBelgians? Have you ever thought of coming to eBelgium?

A7: 7. I personally like Belgium. There have sometimes been plans of invading your country in Germany, but I always tried to reason with our people and make them not attack you (I mean a small, helpless kinda proONE country seems like a perfect target for many), which as you maybe noticed, always worked out in the end. There was a time were I was in your Chans daily, talking mostly with NLSP, Critically and Mittekemius, so yeah I know some people 😛
And no I never really considered to emigrate to Belgium, but I also never really left Germany (except for the last 2-3 months in which I have been in the US because of the Boni).

Q8: What do German players think of eBelgium? How do eGermans regard us - as friends or enemies? What do they think of our neutrality? How would they rate eBelgium from 1 to 10?

A8: 8. I guess most Germans think neutrally or even good of Belgium. I think only very few people would regard you as enemies. Which is also because of your new neutrality. That decision has definetely been noticed and I think the majority of the people here knowing about it, also supports it. I can only guess about the scale, but maybe 6-7? 😁

Q9: Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

A9: 9. If you want to know more about Germany, don't even think about joining the official chan #edeutschland, it is dead😁 Check out #we_do and have some fun 😛 I also want to greet Mittekemuis! And yeah, thanks for reading people :3

That’s all for now, see you soon!


Lily Jayne Summers,
Belgian MoFA,

Requiem Domine
Belgian MoFA

MoFA Irc Channel: #eBe_MoFA