[LAP] Save the Last Dance

Day 2,196, 14:22 Published in USA USA by Aeriadne

I would rather walk
with a friend in the dark,
than alone in the light..

The Lineup
Building a new party is an important process, and I've had a lot of help. This endeavor we have set forth is not one of ego or individual want; each of the following people you see listed on our Congressional candidate list is a person who above all values their friends and the joy of the game beyond any superficial glory or vain medal seeking. Time and again we have come together to discuss the direction of our efforts, and they always land on one thing.


Without further ado, I present to you the Liberty Advancement Party's congressional hopefuls. As a note, these are solely the LAP official candidates, and not any of our lovely additional sixth party and Fed friends who are on the list as well.

George Armstrong Custer
Lothair Carlovingian
Maxmillian VonWillebrand

You could read up on why they deserve this. You could read Custer's very humble article which does not detail the fantastic work he has done keeping the media in this game alive, or the fact when few others have stepped up in many places and many ways, he has always been there ready to help.

You could read either Maxmillian's or ConsortiumCzar's articles, both of which are fine, but do not go nearly enough into the passion and dedication to the party they both maintain.

These aren't the biggest names you'll see running for Congress. These aren't the wunderkind, golden bullet children who, by placing them in Congress, will get us everything we've ever wanted and more.

They are the people who will work, and who do work, and will continue to work for the greatest asset we have in this country: our community.

Other parties can promise you greatness, and other parties can try and appease some vain sense of rivalry still burning. We only want to work.

For you.

For this country.

For the continued enjoyment of this game.

That's all we can offer, America. And I think it's what we need.

The Future
Plenty of questions still abound as to our party's purpose. Every new party has rough first steps. Where to go, what to do, how to do it. Do we ally ourselves with this party or another? Do we strike it alone? What do we stand for.

When irule777 and NewAzazel sat down and helped to found this party, it became a place of refuge. Mid-level players who were long lived, working always to serve the country and their friends. Younger players, eager for something different, awaiting a party which would really capture something special.

We don't have elitists here. There is no hierarchy or much tradition. We are simply a group of friends wishing for things to be better, and enjoying the ride for one another.

And that is our greatest asset.

As we continue to grow and enliven our party, we maintain one important aspect many other parties do not: adaptability. This new party is still very much full of potential.

And I'm excited to see where we go.

Keep watch. There are good things yet to come. 😉