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Party Presidency of ISD

11 Día 722, 13:39 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Hello ISD friends and men and women of eÉire,

I annouce my Party Presidency Campaign of Irish Social Democrats,

After weeks of getting back in order there has been lack of inactivness on our forums to solve that I will PM every member of party

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Ian Arbuckle running in Southeast

14 Día 700, 09:36 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Hello eIrish friends!
I am running in the Southeast of Ireland. I had been in the Dail 4 times dispite losing last election in Southeast.

Well I was born on Day 475. My first day in eRep was pretty boring just worked and

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Dáil Manifesto

7 Día 671, 12:43 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Hello I am Ian Arbuckle and I am putting my self foward for a 5th term in the Dáil in Southeast. I have a Deputy position in Health under Minister gordongekko .
I am one of ISD (Irish Socialist Democrats) active members well we lost a good few

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My Dáil Manifesto.

7 Día 641, 07:18 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

My name is Ian Arbuckle. I am running for the Dáil in Southeast, and I am looking foward to serve a 4 time term in the Dáíl if elected.

I am Minister for Health under President Aran Tal I've re-opened the Fast wellness Scheme. I'

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Health Department

7 Día 626, 13:06 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Hello I had been appointed as Minister for Health under Aran Tal I will explain whats going to be done this term.

Gifts Scheme
I will keep the following citizens on the list for next term to keep on eye on there wellness. The

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