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Toda la verdad.

65 Día 4,017, 14:53 Publicado en Spain Spain Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Aquí va primero un poco explicado, en resumen, y nada, palomitas.

Llegué a eEspaña con buenas intenciones, que era crear el IAN nuevamente, donde estuve a finales de 2011. Hablé con IsmaelGalaxy21 y Dombombomabely sobre la idea, y accedieron. Me

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Time to say Goodbye

10 Día 3,351, 03:00 Publicado en France France Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

I will not lose time. After 5 years, I leave forever. Thank you to the people I met, those who were close to me in my eDays. eRepublik meant something for me, but life keeps moving, and we have to leave sometimes.

Thank you to all my friends, I

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The justice

34 Día 2,770, 12:15 Publicado en Germany Germany Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Yes, Laura is back, but just two clicker. Some of you know me already, some of you don´t. I will write this for everybody knows. But I will tell in short.

Today I connected here for working, trainning and nothing else. Then I watched a feed of [

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ReMiiX Leaves The Game

62 Día 2,694, 12:24 Publicado en Serbia Serbia Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

I will not write a long article, actually, I will say just bye and the reasons:

1. I leave because the admins from the game.
2. Game is not what it was.
3. You buy --> You have good account
4. You don´t buy --> You will never be something in

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eCuba - eIsrael Friendship

21 Día 2,651, 09:43 Publicado en Israel Israel Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Hello dear population. In this article I come with a good new: eIsrael has improved the relation with eCuba, and we have signed a treaty. The caracteristics of it are:


Cuban-Israeli Friendship Treaty
The objective of this treaty

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