Ambiente de fondo si/no


9 Día 2,386, 02:18 Publicado en USA USA Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

I suppose no President can run a country on his own, so I will be presenting my cabinet.

First up is VP, and that honor goes to Henry Pfeiffer Arundel for being the first one to comment on my last article. Pfeiffer is well known as being the

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9 Día 2,384, 16:39 Publicado en USA USA Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

I'm running for POTUS, here is my platform:
Maximize the work tax
Tell Eurofags to stop being such Eurofags
No IRC use guaranteed
No communication with the parties, Congress, or the eAmerican people (including this article)
Steal a ton of money

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Max Tax FTW

1 Día 2,155, 14:34 Publicado en USA USA Negocios y finanzas Negocios y finanzas

Tax the Plebs to the MAX!

That is all.

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Recruitment and Gold Stats Updated - 5 Months

4 Día 2,015, 13:51 Publicado en USA USA Negocios y finanzas Negocios y finanzas

It has been 5 months since I started recruiting people to this game. I haven't put in any more work other than the original postings of my link months ago. Those links continue to be clicked on a daily basis. Here are some quick updated numbers

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Update on Recruitment and Gold Stats

11 Día 1,908, 17:01 Publicado en USA USA Negocios y finanzas Negocios y finanzas

This is to update my last article. It has been roughly 6 weeks since I threw my recruitment link out there to see what will happen, it has been 31 days since my last article. I will try to make its format as similar to the last article as I can so

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