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Vargask and Moo a great team

7 Día 776, 10:37 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

When you think of the person behind the person, who do think of?
Bill Clinton and then his Vice, Al gore?
De Valera and his Taniste(vice) Sean Lemass?
Or even Emm George Bush and his Vice Dick Cheney???...maybe not.
This an article to announce

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Moo on National Goals

14 Día 775, 11:31 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Setting national goals is difficult, even more so by the flawed calculations they are based on. You can apply logic, do multiple regression analysis, or even ask experts for there opion, but in the end it is still a bit of a guess. What I tried to

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Moo on the economy

31 Día 774, 11:05 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

In Ireland currently, we have alot of companys, of these companys, only a few run at max productivity. Many companys do not look after there workers, insted workers have to ensure that they eat correctly, and have 100% wellness. Companys themselves

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Moomoohead for President

30 Día 773, 10:50 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

I am running for president because I feel Ireland needs a huge push and a very different way of thinking. I have specific idea of what I would want to change. A clear vision of what the country should look like and a plan to take us there.

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PartyPresident Experience

11 Día 727, 12:14 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

I just finished up being party president of IFP for the last two months and I decided to write articles describing the job and my experience. I have seen articles by country presidents and congressman but never PP before. The funny thing about PP

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