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[MoD] RW East NL, The Aftermath!

9 Día 2,610, 11:50 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Análisis de la guerra Análisis de la guerra

Soldiers of the eNetherlands, at ease!

In the morning of day 2607 the Dutch Armed Forces started the Resistance War to liberate Eastern Netherlands of the Hungarian occupation. The first
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[MoD] 2.607 Rewards RW East Netherlands

47 Día 2,606, 12:19 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Órdenes de batalla Órdenes de batalla

Soldaten van eNederland!

Vandaag kunt u zich onderscheiden in het vechten voor de vrijheid! U kunt zich onderscheiden door het doen van schade in een gevecht. Het Ministerie van Defensie
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[MoD] Orders 2.606-2.607 East Netherlands

29 Día 2,605, 12:45 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Órdenes de batalla Órdenes de batalla

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[MoD] Orders: Day 2.599 - 2.600

33 Día 2,599, 09:40 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Órdenes de batalla Órdenes de batalla

Dear Citizens of the eNetherlands,

We have had talks with the Belgian officials and we have decided to give the region of Wallonia back to Belgium. The ad-interim government requests you,
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[MoD 2.586 - 2.587] What happened ? What gonna happen ?

10 Día 2,586, 11:44 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Órdenes de batalla Órdenes de batalla

Dear Citizens of eNetherlands.
At last I can show you the whole NSPP plan, as UK also did in this article [url= más »